To save America, we need a coup.

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I am beyond caring if I am imprisoned for writing this article. This corrupt government can't really imprison me because ALS has already imprisoned me. Joe Biden slipped up again and said what wasn't ever to be spoken out loud in front of cameras. Read carefully what Biden said. Biden admitted the 2020 election was rigged to install him into the Oval Office. It is blatantly obvious the election was rigged. Ask yourself these questions; Why did three Swings States stop counting votes at 10 pm PST? In Pennsylvania, why did election officials use force to remove observers…

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Biden is a fraudster, a liar, and a cheat.

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I will remind you of Biden's campaign pledges that he hasn't mentioned since he "won" the 2020 election. 1. Biden promised to give a pathway to citizenship to the Dreamers. Biden along with Nancy Pelosi called President Trump a racist for not granting citizenship to the Dreamers even though Trump had no constitutional power to do so. Trump tried to negotiate with Pelosi on behalf of the Dreamers but Pelosi wouldn't because it would've been viewed as a win for Trump. Even though the Democrats held the majority in Congress with Biden in the White House, there…

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Reviewing Durham’s report.

We will be making weekly entries on this page until Mark finishes his review of this report. Mark will bold the passages of interest to you. You may check Durham's report here> 5/27/2023 The Leftists are saying this report is a nothing-burger because no one was indicted for the information therein. However, the report states that there would be insufficient evidence to get convictions without using Top Secret information in the courtroom, and getting the approval to do so, would be insurmountable.James Comey operated like he was the head of a Mafia family. I presume Comey gave…

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What we learned from these whistleblowers about the FBI.

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One of my first articles on this site was about the corruption at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I wasn't even remotely close to the corruption level at the FBI according to the whistleblowers' testimonies. I am in the process of reviewing Durham's 300-page report. Thus, I will rely on videos to inform you rather than typing many paragraphs. I did watch the entire testimony. What the Five says is true about the testimony given under oath. I did record some of the hearing in short clips.Mr. @TuckerCarlson, wow, Plaskett is against repeating lies. Where was Plaskett…

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Democrats use minorities as their disposable pawns.

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I will prove my assertion in short order. During Trump's presidency, he tried to negotiate for citizenship of those children [ Dreamers ] that were brought illegally into the country by their parents. However, Nancy Pelosi wouldn't entertain any negotiations with Trump because that would give Trump a win on behalf of people of color. If you recall, the Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress in the first half of Joe Biden's occupation of the Oval Office. Congress during this time, could have submitted a bill to Joe Biden to grant citizenship to those children but didn't. During…

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Join the Navy to be all the homo you can be!

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Firstly, Joe Biden continues to confirm that he is unfit to command our military. How can it strengthen our Navy by appealing to the mentally ill to join our Naval forces? I wrote in a past article that we should staff our military with drag queens in sarcasm because both Joe Biden and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called drag queens brave American heroes. Never in my wildest dreams would I have dreamt that our military would take this path for recruitment.Plainly put, the sole purpose of our military is to kill people and destroy things. Take a gander at…

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Is Joe Biden working for Mexico’s drug cartels?

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It is likely that drug cartels are influencing our border states' elections or right-out rigging these elections through bribery, threats, and blackmail. Biden's actions made me ponder if Biden is colluding with these drug cartels. Texas governor, Greg Abbott, had filled in the gaps in the border wall with shipping containers that were two stacked high. Biden threatened Abbott and later sued Abbott. News reports show the containers being removed. Why would Biden care where Abbott chose to stack shipping containers in Texas?Think of it, to rig elections in the border states is to control the nation…

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I report the last two weeks of news.

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Well, the last two weeks have been epic revelations about social media and our elections. What has been revealed makes the Watergate break-in look like a petty J-walking violation. Our government-directed social media companies to limit the free speech of conservatives/Republicans, which is a first amendment violation. The biggest offender was the FBI. Candidate Joe Biden also directed social media companies to censor conservatives/Republicans.We know this because Elon Musk has released scores of documents of internal communications of Twitter's middle management and the upper executive ranks. Musk gave these Journalists access to the Twitter documents, @bariweiss @mtaibbi…

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Hans Moke Niemann is an admitted cheater.

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All of the chess FIDE-titled players I follow on Twitch-TV are up in arms about Hans Niemann's past chess cheating on the website, All of these titled players are registered Democrats. Some of whom are flaming liberals. For instance, Ben Finegold questioned if Republicans are human beings on Twitter. All of them have expressed their disdain for Donald Trump. None of these chess players have ever criticized Joe Biden while I have been watching their stream. This is mystifying to me.They say, they are against cheating in any form, but they apparently support Joe Biden who…

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The President is an ignorant sob.

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Before I tell you about what ignorant two things Joe Biden said last week, I will tell you of his past cheats. Biden's ignorance should come as no surprise to anyone because he cheated { plagiarized } his way through college, he cheated {  plagiarized } his way into the United States Senate, and with the help of others, Biden cheated his way into the presidency.Biden appeared on 60 minutes for an interview.“Mr. President, as you know, last Tuesday, the annual inflation rate came in at 8.3%, the stock market nosedived, people are shocked by their grocery…

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Elon Musk has bought Twitter, oh my!

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I knew little about Elon Musk before 2019. Tesla and SpaceX are Musk's creations. Electric cars don't thrill me, nor do electric-powered aircraft. The issue with any vehicle that is battery powered is the batteries' weight remains throughout the trip. In liquid-fueled vehicles, the fuel weight lessens as the fuel is burned for propulsion, and thereby extends the range of the vehicle, as well as, the possibility of going faster because of the diminished weight. The additional drawback to battery power is the charge time.What thrills me is SpaceX rockets. It is wondrous to see the boosters…

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Mark’s current grievances with America.

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MadonnaI haven't forgotten what Madonna said on stage in front of the White House the day Donald Trump was sworn into the presidency. Nor will I ever forgive her. Forget who was sworn into the presidency. What is important is what Madonna said. Madonna mused about killing dogs, children, people of color, and women all to kill one man, President Donald J. Trump. Madonna wasn't speaking off the cuff. Madonna read from a paper she was holding. Madonna is very bright. So, what she said can't be pardoned for stupidity. "I have thought a lot about blowing up…

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Shazam, everyone in positions of trust lied!

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The above photo is of Hunter Biden from his abandoned laptop. The below list is of past intelligence officials who signed a statement of claim the contents of Hunter's laptop's hard drive was Russian disinformation.Jim Clapper, John Brennan, and others on this list were the biggest Trump-Russian collusion hoaxsters. Brennan and Clapper almost made nightly appearances on CNN to undermine the President of the United States by promoting Hillary Clinton's "Big Lie" of Trump-Russian collusion. I ask; what should befall these 50 former intelligence officials? I am flabbergasted these 50 officials suffer no danger when moving among…

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Matt Gaetz, your worries are justified.

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Matt Gaetz and other congresspersons were denied entry to inspect the conditions within the DC jail facility. This writer has seen the abuse of a prisoner firsthand. It shames me to recount this incident. I had entered the jail operations phase of my training by the Sacramento Sheriff's Department in 1982. We were searching the cells for contraband. As part of the search process, we instructed the prisoners to remove all of their clothing before leaving their cells. A prisoner in the 5150 section left his cell walking in comic fashion singing; Left Right Sergeant, Left Right…

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Articles of impeachment for Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

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1st article of impeachment of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. did with malice propagate violence across America for political expediency. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. promoted the "very fine people" hoax that ultimately made perceived voters for President Trump targets for violence. This effort by Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. divided the country, set cities on fire, and caused murders and mayhems. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. aligned himself with domestic terrorists, ANTIFA, to suppress political opposition.On the campaign trail and at the Democrat's convention, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. repeated his lie of the "very fine people" hoaxJoseph…

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Indisputable proof Joe stole the election to save America.

Joe Biden said, "Trump lies! I don't do that." During the campaign season, a reporter asked Joe Biden if he was in a state of mental decline. The future president responded tersely that he wasn't and proceeded to issue a challenge of intellect to the reporter. Rightfully so, the reporter sheepishly withdrew from would have been a slaughter from Joe Biden's radiant mind. Henceforth, it is established on the public record that Joe Biden doesn't lie, ever, and he is brilliant. In fact, the first time Joe Biden ran for president, he informed a group of voters…

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My views on Trump, Biden, and the presidential election results.

I will start with Joe Biden. I am on solid ground to write that Joe Biden is a liar, is a plagiarizer, is grossly uninformed, and he is so far in his mental decline that he can't remember important facts and figures. Even more disturbing, there are videos of him touching little girls inappropriately. It's no surprise to me that Joe Biden has shown a total lack of ethics during the election cycle, after all, Joe Biden did cheat his way through law school. And then, he bragged that he was at the top of his class,…

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President Trump, prepare to implement operation Wildfire.

President Trump, after much consideration, I have expanded operation Wildfire to include [ redacted ]. I submitted the initial plan to you in the spring of 2019. In the light of all of the death threats from politicians and celebrities to you and your family members, I added a [ redacted ] component to Wildfire.Operation Wildfire: In your last week in the Whitehouse, you issue a pardon to every cabinet member and all of the senior Whitehouse members in your administration. You also issue a pardon for every child of yours, yes, even Barron. And of course,…

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The election workers fell into the trap of the tyranny class.

It was an example of 3-D chess play by the tyranny class. How could this class make the election workers in the key swing states willing dupes in election fraud? Their plan; step 1, paint the President as the second coming of Adolf Hitler. Step 2, paint the President's Republican supporters as dangerous white supremacists. Looking back, it all becomes clear to this writer. An example, in 2018, the tyranny class used the useful idiots in the Democratic Party to protest at Border Patrol detention facilities. The useful idiots proclaimed that the facilities were no different than…

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Joe and Kamala are worthy of your hatred.

Both Kamala and Joe painted half the country as neo-Nazis for voting for then, candidate Donald Trump even before the Charlottesville incident. Note; President Trump didn't praise those neo-Nazis at Charlottesville as very fine people. Joe, Kamala, and the Leftist media lied to you. Joe and Kamala in doing so caused the murders and mayhems of people who were thought to be Republicans that had voted for President Trump. Neither Joe nor Kamala did denounce this violence until October of 2020.Now Joe and Kamala are calling for unity. But wait, why would the Democrats want to unite…

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This election fraudster has the unmitigated gall to say…

Biden said, for the good of the country, Trump should attend my inauguration. Lest you think that I am engaging in libel with the title of this article, read my quote from Biden. Biden said on October 24th, 2020, quote, “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Neither Biden nor his campaign did walk-back that admission. So much for the notion of the citizens' sacrosanct right to uncorrupted elections.You are wondering why Biden would say that admission? Biden can't help himself not to speak…

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If President Biden does the following, he has betrayed you.

This is being written under the assumption that the election fraud will be disregarded by the courts and the electoral college. If Biden takes the oath of the presidency with his direct knowledge of the election fraud conspiracy, not only has he betrayed you, he will become an enemy of the Republic. Lest you think that I am mindreading Biden, I am not! Biden said on October 24th, 2020, quote, “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Neither Biden nor his campaign did correct…

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America learned what did matter in the 2020 election.

Biden's past job performance didn't matter.Trump's past job performance didn't matter.What Biden did against Blacks didn't matter.What Trump did for Blacks didn't matter.Biden's insults toward the voters didn't matter.Trump's praising of the voters didn't matter.Biden's lack of stumping for votes didn't matter.Trump's holding three or more rallies six days a week didn't matter.Biden's apparent corruption didn't matter.Biden's inappropriate touching of little girls didn't matter.Biden's accusers of sexual assault didn't matter.Biden's racist statements didn't matter.Biden's gaffes didn't matter. Biden's obvious lies didn't matter.Biden's confusion didn't matter.Trump's love for his country and the love expressed by the citizens for Trump…

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Madonna will want to blow up Joe’s White House too if consistent.

Madonna said on national television before a crowd of thousands of people shortly after Trump had moved into the White House, "I've been thinking a lot about blowing up the White House." I was shocked at her wanton disregard for human life. Her hatred for Trump was so profound that she had contemplated killing hundreds of people who work at the White House to satiate her blood lust for Donald Trump. Madonna was even willing to kill a child, Barron Trump, who was just ten years old at that time.I could list off a litany of Hollywood…

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