This election fraudster has the unmitigated gall to say…

Biden said, for the good of the country, Trump should attend my inauguration. Lest you think that I am engaging in libel with the title of this article, read my quote from Biden. Biden said on October 24th, 2020, quote, “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Neither Biden nor his campaign did walk-back that admission. So much for the notion of the citizens’ sacrosanct right to uncorrupted elections.

You are wondering why Biden would say that admission? Biden can’t help himself not to speak or do what shouldn’t be said or be done. Biden’s filter isn’t on as the result of the brain damage that he suffered from two aneurysms and the brain surgery to repair those burst blood vessels. Look at the picture above; Biden lowered his mask to cough! Biden’s compulsion filter is nonexistent. 

In the video below, you will see evidence that Biden’s compulsion filter is broken. Note that Biden being six feet in height, he had to hunch over to grope the second little girl’s right breast area.

Not the behavior of a well-adjusted man. I will die on this hill; Joe Biden is a pervert. All the Washington types know that Biden is a pervert. In this video, you will see Jeff Sessions slap Biden’s hand as he tries to touch his granddaughter. Sessions says, “Don’t touch her!”

A video compilation of Biden’s compulsive behavior. I’ll take up Biden’s challenge that he doesn’t lie. 

Note that Biden didn’t say whether he would or wouldn’t pack the Supreme Court before the election. And Biden hasn’t answered the question up to now either.

I have many more examples of Biden’s lies. Biden’s biggest lie which divided the country and caused murders and mayhems is that President Trump is a racist that praised the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville that killed a woman. In doing so, Biden gave license to murder any person who had voted for then-candidate Donald Trump or planned to vote for President Trump. This is unforgivable.

Dear readers, I will never lie to you or shade the truth with obfuscation. Every article I write is a dying declaration because, in fact, I am dying from Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. I can’t walk or speak. I just manage to feed myself. Here is Biden’s admission. Note that Biden says [ we ].

View these video clips on election fraud. It is apparent that there was a conspiracy to commit election fraud to elect Joe Biden.

Mister Adams brings the one fact before us that matters.

The media and the Democrats have been portraying Trump as a dictator and the second coming of Hitler for the last four years. That is the strongest motivation to cheat in this election in their minds to save the country. 

Case in point; This Twitter post is from Arizona’s Secretary of State who oversees the election result for Arizona. It would be Hobb’s patriotic duty to alter the election results to keep [ sic ] Hitler from winning the election.

I joked the other day in a post that President Trump should give Major, Biden’s German Shepherd a metal for breaking Biden’s bones. In conclusion, to prevent Biden from benefitting from the fruit[s] of his crime[s], for the good of the country, a Secret Service agent should “allow” Biden to fall down a flight of stairs as many times as necessary.

Written by Mark Pullen