We searched Rob Reiner’s posts for wisdom.

Yes, Rob Reiner is a Meathead, and his posts point toward his mental illness. I'm guessing that Reiner didn't watch Rachel Maddow's show where she exhibited Trump's tax return that had been stolen. That tax return showed Trump paid more than 30 million dollars on his income.Candidate Trump is not an official of our government, thus, he can't violate the 1st amendment rights of these media outlets. Hillary Clinton banned the media from her private events; where was Reiner's outrage for Hillary's media bans?If @realDonaldTrump is so hell bent on making America great, how come he pays 0%…

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President Trump continues to awe me.

President Trump is a better man than me. I marvel at his willingness to work with those who just weeks before sought his destruction. I marvel at his willingness to help New York and California even though they always side against him at the ballot box. I marvel that those who continue to seek his destruction haven't disappeared from the face of the earth.Those same people have called President Trump a power-mad dictator. If I were in President Trump's shoes, I would have risen to their expectations. One way or another, most likely through an Islamic ally,…

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I’m so done with China.

I risk my liberty putting these truths to paper. And I disregard the hazard for it must be done. I shudder to think if our country was locked in a battle with the forces of evil as was the case in WWII and our country was beset upon by this Chinese super-flu. Make no mistake, the government of China committed an act of war upon the United States with their retribution for President Trump's trade tariffs and his negotiation tactics. I am certain that China's government either released this super-flu deliberately or when China's government became aware…

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Why Joe? Why now? Mark Pullen knows!

What I know, even Scott Adams doesn't know. Those two whys have been bounding from one lobe to the other for a week's time in my brain. So far, the Democratic voters have rejected all women, all minorities, and a homosexual as their pick against Trump. It's no surprise that they reject Warren. Warren is an awful person. Warren is known in the biz as a 'loss leader'.Buttigieg was never a serious candidate for consideration. His quoting of scripture rang hollow with the beliefs of people of all faiths. If Buttigieg had been elected, our Islamic allies…

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Biden has disqualified himself from the presidency.

Ms. Campbell and I watched in astonishment as Joe Biden lambasted President Trump over his travel bans to and from Europe and China. Biden told the reporters; Trump’s Wall and his travel bans will not stop the spread of the Coronavirus. Apparently, Biden’s staff is as addled-minded as is Joe. It seems as though Slow Joe is still a proponent of open-borders.President Trump’s orders aren’t intended to halt the spread of the Coronavirus. His orders are intended to slow the spread of this virus in order to give our scientists enough time to develop a vaccine. Hence, the President’s orders are intended to…

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Vladimir Putin killed the myth.

The continuing narrative by the Democrats is Putin elected Trump and Putin will work to reelected Trump. Democrat Representatives Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff are still continuing their push of the myth that Donald Trump is a Russian agent that answers directly to Vladimir Putin. This is astonishing in the light of Robert Mueller's investigation findings over a twenty-two month period of time that was proceeded by a years-long investigation by both the Senate's Intelligence Committee and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Vladimir Putin is actively working to induce a recession in the United States to hurt Donald…

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Schumer is America’s Pablo Escobar

Pablo Escobar threatened to kill judges as did Chuck Schumer yesterday. Chuck Schumer said, “I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price!  You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”After I posted this article on Twitter, I received this reply from Bill Adkison @bamaredneck: Lincoln didn’t know what hit him. JFK didn’t know what hit him. MLK didn’t know what hit him. Seth Rich didn’t know what hit him. Shall I go on?That threat by Schumer…

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Andy Ostroy: he has the Trump derangement syndrome virus.

Andy Ostroy caught my attention a few weeks ago on Donald Trump's Twitter home page. He has a blue check account that signals his account is verified. That particular post that caught my attention was filled with hatred and curse words. I had found my next subject for research and I had struck paydirt inside of the town called Crazyville.Ostroy makes predictions that 99% of the time that don't come true. I looked through his Twitter account and the web for his content. Ostroy is a movie director and a writer. I found his blog, called, The…

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