Biden has disqualified himself from the presidency.

Ms. Campbell and I watched in astonishment as Joe Biden lambasted President Trump over his travel bans to and from Europe and China. Biden told the reporters; Trump’s Wall and his travel bans will not stop the spread of the Coronavirus. Apparently, Biden’s staff is as addled-minded as is Joe. It seems as though Slow Joe is still a proponent of open-borders.

President Trump’s orders aren’t intended to halt the spread of the Coronavirus. His orders are intended to slow the spread of this virus in order to give our scientists enough time to develop a vaccine. Hence, the President’s orders are intended to mitigate the number of deaths of our citizens while our scientists toil in their laboratories for a vaccine.

We ask of Slow Joe; if you were a captain of a ship and that ship had a hole from which sea-water flowed into the ship, while your crew worked on a patch for that hole, would you drill more holes?

Andy Ostroy, a Never-Trumper on Twitter, told the DNC he would vote for a piece of lint if the nominated one. Andy Ostroy may get his wish.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.