Biden is the best that the Dems have?

I watched in astonishment throughout the primaries where the Democrat voters forsook the women and people of color candidates. One candidate of color outright called the voters that didn't support their candidacy as racist. One female candidate called the voters sexist. Why did it come down two old white men in their 70s? Why did Biden prevail over Sanders? Why did the candidates line up with Biden and against Sanders? In my opinion, Sanders over Biden stood a better chance of beating Trump for two reasons. 1. Sanders is not addled brained. 2. Sanders has the youth vote.…

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Joe Biden; witness his entitlement.

Why did Biden raise skin color to compel [a] vote[s] for him? Why did Biden lie about his endorsements from the NAACP? Why did Biden become frustrated with Lenard McKelvey's policy questions? Is Biden at some level a racist?Let's do a thought experiment on Biden's proclamation; "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't Black." Let's suppose David Duke was running against Barack Obama. Duke says to a white radio host; "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Obama, then you aren't white." Skin…

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Evelyn Farkas: A liar and an unwitting Putin puppet.

Farkas is a plague of Russian propaganda. Farkas insidiously used her past government post to bolster her Russian disinformation. Farkas by design worked to undermine the Executive Branch of our government, thereby doing Putin's bidding all because Farkas supported Hillary Clinton and Hillary Clinton lost. Farkas' sworn secret testimony. #AlSmithDinner "Donald is as healthy as a horse, like the one Vladimir Putin rides around on" @HillaryClinton @rosenbergerlm @CNNPolitics— Evelyn Farkas (@EvelynNFarkas) October 21, 2016 Willful ignorance and/or Geppetto's boy...— Evelyn Farkas (@EvelynNFarkas) October 20, 2016 The secret sworn testimony of CrowdStrike's CEO. The DNC didn't allow…

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McCabe is lying about the predicate for the Flynn ambush.

McCabe said this week that the interview of Flynn was necessary as a part of the FBI's inquiry if the Trump campaign had conspired with Russia. The investigation as Robert Mueller had laid out in his report was to ascertain if members of the Trump campaign in conjunction with the Russians worked to steal the DNC's emails. The FBI hid this premise from the public. During Mueller's investigation, he too hid this premise.However, the Steele dossier makes that accusation. The Steele dossier was leaked to the media by Christopher Steele in January of 2017. The FBI centered…

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Flynn’s exoneration, what they aren’t telling you.

First, I will clear the deck on Flynn's confession. What the Democrats and the media are doing is racist. What we are witnessing is reverse racial bias. They keep repeating; "But, he pled guilt twice! Justice is dead and Putin has the control of our Justice Department through Trump and Barr." I don't recall these folks and the media outlets protesting when the Central Park Five's confessions were overturned for the gang rape and beating of a female jogger. The Five suspects were black male juveniles. As it turned out, the New York City Police officers denied the youths any…

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Biden’s own standard convicts him.

And there's Biden's accidental confession that we have to consider too. We can't know if Joe did or did not rape Tara Reade, but any good criminal defense lawyer would say Joe harmed his case for innocence.Mika Brzezinski quoted what Joe had said in 2018; “For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts, whether or not it’s been made worse or better over time,” Mika; “Is the…

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