Confirmed; Biden’s presidency is a puppet presidency.

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Biden told Anderson Cooper he would defend Taiwan militarily from China. After the town hall meeting ended Business Insider reported; "The US defense relationship with Taiwan is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act," the spokesperson told reporters.Who is the unnamed spokesperson? In effect, the spokesperson from the White House told the reporters Joe Biden wasn't authorized to make the decision to defend Taiwan. From the Washington Examiner; “There has been no shift. The president was not announcing any change in our policy. Nor has he made a decision to change our policy,” press secretary Jen Psaki told…

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CNN is not the only bad actor.

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What prompted me to write this article is what I saw on Dave Rubin's show two weeks ago. Dave showed Nancy Pelosi using the hand gesture of the okay sign. I noticed afterward that Joe Biden was using it too. The media claimed the okay sign was a White supremacy sign when President Trump used it. The reporters were silent that made the claim during the Trump presidency. That really bothers me to no end. Six months ago, a UK rag said Matt Gaetz was going to be indicted by a grand jury in two weeks' time…

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An evaluation of Hillary’s interview.

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I saw Hillary's interview transcription on my media feed. Jennifer works at the Atlantic publication. The Atlantic is a sock-puppet for the Democratic Party. My comments will be within the interview in dark black within brackets. It's a long transcription, but fear not, I included the video interview at the bottom. You need only look for my commentary. What you need to know; I do have biases toward Hillary. During the cold war era in the 80s, I worked in a classified setting. In one particular program, I was read into, I had to sign my life…

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My Journey with ALS.

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The reason I am chronicling my journey is there are some things my doctors can't explain. As best I can figure, my ALS started in 1993. When I took my girls to see Disney movies tears flowed uncontrollably during certain scenes. My girls had never seen me cry before. Then in 2007, I lost my ability to run. It was as if a switch had been thrown. Just the day before I had run like the wind. A few months later, I noticed in the shower I had lost my ability to blow my nose. When I…

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