Joe Biden; witness his entitlement.

Why did Biden raise skin color to compel [a] vote[s] for him? Why did Biden lie about his endorsements from the NAACP? Why did Biden become frustrated with Lenard McKelvey’s policy questions? Is Biden at some level a racist?

Let’s do a thought experiment on Biden’s proclamation; “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t Black.” Let’s suppose David Duke was running against Barack Obama. Duke says to a white radio host; “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Obama, then you aren’t white.” Skin color isn’t a determinant basis for a person’s ballot cast. Despite the protest by Biden’s surrogates, Biden’s statement was racist. African Americans have rightly pointed out that Biden’s use of ‘ain’t’ was possibly racist as well because Biden does not use ‘ain’t’ in his sentences normally. 

Three perspectives.

Biden has a disturbing history of saying racist statements, acting against the interests of people of color, and hob-nobbing with many known racists. Biden helped to write the 1989 crime bill that Bill Clinton signed into law that targeted people of color.

Even the most skeptical Democrat voter will see a running theme through Biden’s life. The litmus test is to substitute Biden’s name for Trump’s name for the racist quotes and the associations.

Byrd was a member of the KKK for a period in the ’40s. He claimed he quit and he professed it was the biggest mistake of his lifetime. However, years later a letter was made public in which he wrote to a KKK leader that more than ever the KKK is needed. That letter was written by Byrd while he held a seat in Congress. Some actions are unforgivable. That’s not my standard, nor is it Jesus’ standard, that’s the Democrat’s current standard to all of those that are not Democratic Party officials. 

The following is from my August 11, 2019 article, Biden is a second-tier racist.

Biden has largely written-off the inner-city African-American communities in favor of illegal immigrants. He supports abortions knowing full-well that African-American women in our inner-cities have the highest rate for abortions. Biden also knows the people from South of our border do have triple the birth-rate of United States citizens.

In short, Biden’s plan is to replace our African-American population with immigrants from Central-America. All you need do is look at his obsession with illegal immigrants to see that my assertion is true. Just the other day, he said, he would on day one of his presidency, he would make all undocumented people legal, that’s at least thirty million people. Biden went on to say that the United States could in the next year take two million more immigrants from South of our border. 

Joe Biden: “I consider undocumented immigrants to be citizens already.”

Biden hasn’t offered free healthcare to the African-American community, however, Biden is hell-bent on giving free health insurance to anyone that crosses our Southern border illegally.

Biden is asked what the American people can do to repair the legacy of slavery. Note his dismissive smirk while the woman is asking the question. Then he starts to answer her question in a disjointed stumbling way. Remember he is talking about our Africa American brothers and sisters. Problems from home? He is saying as a whole, Africa American adults are unable to raise their children properly and they need the government’s intervention to do so. We continue to see Biden’s inability to frame a sentence in the proper tense{“My deceased wife (is) a school teacher.”}  {“Play the record-player so the kids hear words”}?? Children don’t learn to speak by listening to record-players or any playback device. It’s been at least twenty-five years since record-players were used widely. Children learn to speak and expand their vocabulary from their interactions with adults. Now Biden goes completely off the rails, what does any happening in Venezuela have to do with this question before Biden? It is disputable that Biden has the onset of dementia. We Googled dementia:

Although the early signs vary, common early symptoms of dementia include memory problems, particularly remembering recent events, increasing confusion, and reduced concentration.
In a recent event before a crowd, Biden recounts his entering of a war-zone as the Vice-President to award a soldier a medal for valor; Biden’s account had no basis of fact. And during this debate, Biden also had an additional sentence tense confusion, he said, “I am the Vice-President” rather than, I was the Vice-President.
All that said, we are hoping that Biden will prevail and will gain his party’s nomination for the presidency. The spectacle of Biden on a debate stage with President Trump would be a once in a lifetime amusing event.
And if the country by stupidity elected Biden, his Vice-President, likely a woman, within a year would invoke the 25th amendment to remove Biden from office. That’s the most likely way we get our nation’s first female President in this election cycle. That would be amusing also, think of it, the Democrats have floated the idea of removing President Trump from office via the 25th amendment, and a Democrat Vice-President would likely remove Biden making him the first president to be removed from office via the 25th amendment.


Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.