Dems; OMG, Trump was right, impeach him!

This pandemic has cemented Donald Trump as a visionary. The President’s enemies have labeled him as a xenophobic-racist for promoting secure borders, closing travel to and from China and later Europe. Andrew Cuomo was sobbing on national television that our nation is too dependent on offshore manufacturing for hospital garments, masks, and other items.

President Trump as candidate Trump warned of our vulnerability on offshore manufacturing reliance. As president, Trump worked through policies and cajoling of the companies’ CEOs to bring back our manufacturing. It’s a slow painful process. President Trump was attacked by the Democrats and their lackeys, the mainstream media, for these efforts.

It is loser thinking to say things should have been done sooner. Everything should have been sooner or a better way. Why didn’t we rescue the Jews sooner from Hitler? Why didn’t we ship a lot of our troops to Russia to join forces to reach Poland sooner to save the Jews? Everyone appears as a genius when looking backward!

Now, Pelosi has charged Adam Schiff to start the next round of impeachment. During the impeachment trial period, neither Schiff or Pelosi said one word of warning on the threat that the COVID-19 virus posed to the  United States.  President Trump did sound the alarm to the nation during his State of the Union speech.

Meanwhile, President Trump’s adversaries are prodding people to attend events that will be the catalyst to spread the COVID-19 virus. I will point out that the first person to speak and the last person to speak in the right video clip is the director of the NYC health department.

In closing, in the fog of war, there will be missteps and outright mistakes by all in authority. Yes, even by our president. We did not elect an infallible god as our president and it isn’t just to hold our president to the standard of an infallible god. 

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.