Vladimir Putin killed the myth.

The continuing narrative by the Democrats is Putin elected Trump and Putin will work to reelected Trump. Democrat Representatives Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff are still continuing their push of the myth that Donald Trump is a Russian agent that answers directly to Vladimir Putin. This is astonishing in the light of Robert Mueller’s investigation findings over a twenty-two month period of time that was proceeded by a years-long investigation by both the Senate’s Intelligence Committee and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. 

Vladimir Putin is actively working to induce a recession in the United States to hurt Donald Trump’s bid for reelection. Vladimir Putin has seized on the low demand for oil that is a byproduct of the Coronavirus outbreak in China. China has curtailed factory production in its’ attempt to extinguish this virus outbreak. 

Russia’s revenue is derived from 90% of its’ oil exports to nations with no energy reserves. The figure for Saudi Arabia is closer to 100%. The key factor is Russia and Saudi Arabia sit upon lakes of oil, whereas, the United States sits upon oil that is locked within shale. Hence, if the price per barrel falls below $42.00, our shale oil production comes to a screaming halt. And hundreds of thousands of people will lose their jobs. Yesterday, the price per barrel of oil dropped to $31. 61 and Wall Street analysts say we could see $26.00 per barrel tested.

Vladimir Putin could have ordered a cutback in oil production to boost the oil price as Saudi Arabia had requested. Vladimir Putin’s move to increase oil production shows he wants revenge for President Trump’s tariffs and sanctions. One of these sanctions is preventing the completion of Russia’s natural gas pipeline to Europe. Moreover, President Trump has chided NATO members for their energy purchases from Russia. President Trump told the NATO members in Europe; You want the United States to protect you from Russian aggression but at the same time you’re giving Russia money for your energy needs, which makes no sense, buy it from someone else.

It’s no wonder that the Federal Bureau of Investigation discovered Russia was covertly assisting the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign. Sanders’ main plank in his campaign is the New Green Deal. This would halt all fossil fuel consumption in the United States and all exports as well to fight climate change. That would make Russia even stronger. While Joe Biden isn’t a communist as is Bernie Sanders, Biden is also a New Green Deal fanatic.

Like Sanders, Biden has embraced climate change as his religion and is pledging to enact the principles as set forth in the New Green Deal. No use of any fossil fuels. Biden would also shut down all extraction of these fuels for export. Additionally, Biden and Sanders are opposed to nuclear power. Biden’s and Sanders’ policies would cost millions of jobs, would bring famines upon the United States and would plunge the United States into the dark ages. No military protection for our nation would result if we adopted either Biden’s or Sanders’ policies. Tanks, trucks, and planes don’t move on solar power.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campell. Written by Mark Pullen.