The election workers fell into the trap of the tyranny class.

It was an example of 3-D chess play by the tyranny class. How could this class make the election workers in the key swing states willing dupes in election fraud? Their plan; step 1, paint the President as the second coming of Adolf Hitler. Step 2, paint the President’s Republican supporters as dangerous white supremacists. Looking back, it all becomes clear to this writer. An example, in 2018, the tyranny class used the useful idiots in the Democratic Party to protest at Border Patrol detention facilities. The useful idiots proclaimed that the facilities were no different than the concentration camps that Adolf Hitler and the Nazis had operated. The motivation was overwhelming to aid in the election tampering for those workers at the tabulation facilities. Ask yourselves, if you believed the only way to save the country was to commit election fraud, would you out of a patriotic duty do so?

You are probably asking where is the trap? The trap is that the tyranny class has full control of our elections in the key states. Hence, even if the tyranny class goes too far in the eyes of the Democratic voters and they vote for the opposition party in their rebellion, their votes don’t matter. “I care not who votes, I care only who counts the votes.” Joseph Stalin. It will appear as though that the federal government is being run by the Democrats, however, the tyranny class will hollow out the Democratic Party in steps as they did to fraudulently prevail in this election. Our representative republic died on November third, twenty-twenty.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campell. Written by Mark Pullen.