Joe and Kamala are worthy of your hatred.

Both Kamala and Joe painted half the country as neo-Nazis for voting for then, candidate Donald Trump even before the Charlottesville incident. Note; President Trump didn’t praise those neo-Nazis at Charlottesville as very fine people. Joe, Kamala, and the Leftist media lied to you. Joe and Kamala in doing so caused the murders and mayhems of people who were thought to be Republicans that had voted for President Trump. Neither Joe nor Kamala did denounce this violence until October of 2020.

Now Joe and Kamala are calling for unity. But wait, why would the Democrats want to unite with neo-Nazis? The only explanation is that Joe and Kamala for political expediency promoted violence against half of the country. Here’s the insult to our injury. If you or I called for violence against either Joe or Kamala, we would be guilty of committing a crime. How is that just?

On to the election. Joe said he was the head of the Democratic Party at the last presidential debate. Joe has also described our elections as sacrosanct. The question then arises: When the election shenanigans first began in the Democratic Party run cities of Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Atlanta, why didn’t the head of the Democratic Party, Joe Biden, call those election officials in those cities to tell them to stop their shenanigans?

Think of all the evidence that the Trump legal team has presented in affidavits and videos. Now just cast that evidence in the trash bin of your mind. The only thing that matters is the Republican observers were through government threat of violence were hindered in their lawful duties or outright blocked from carrying out their lawful duties. Therefore, the election became nontransparent. This was a coup by a segment of our government against our election institution. Moreover, this makes [a] Joe Biden’s presidency illegitimate.

This statement by Joe Biden may shed some light upon why he didn’t put in a call to those election officials. Biden said on October 24th, 2020, quote, “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Neither Biden nor his campaign did walk-back that admission. So much for the notion of the citizens’ sacrosanct right to uncorrupted elections. Joe wanted to be the president so badly that it didn’t matter if history placed an asterisk next to his name. 

I urged President Trump both privately and publicly to send federal law enforcement agents to enforce the court’s orders to allow the Republican observers back into the ballot tallying areas with meaningful access. I say, so what if the media and the Democrats cried, DICTATOR! Both have been crying this for the last four years anyway.

Even though election officials committed crimes for not obeying the court’s order, none were held accountable. Honestly, if I was an election official in Georgia on election day for the two Senate seats, I would throw caution to the wind and repeat what had been done in the presidential election ballot tallying to assure a Biden victory.

Keep this in your mind, if the election results stand, we have no redo for transparency, those that take power will be forever in power. That’s how dictator dynasties begin. The Republic is dead, long live the Empire.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.