Kamala betrayed the Black community and no one noticed, but me.

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Kamala Harris is devoid of any ethics and certainly any morals. Willie Brown, a married man, had sex privileges with her. Harris sent Black men to prison for smoking weed and she admitted to smoking weed in college and laughed about her usage. Harris called Joe Biden a racist on the debate stage. When confronted by Stephen Colbert, Harris quipped, "It was a debate." Harris also by her admission called Joe Biden a rapist. Harris said she believed all of the women that had come forward to accuse Biden of sexual misconduct. Harris is by her own admission…

Continue ReadingKamala betrayed the Black community and no one noticed, but me.

Joe and Kamala are worthy of your hatred.

Both Kamala and Joe painted half the country as neo-Nazis for voting for then, candidate Donald Trump even before the Charlottesville incident. Note; President Trump didn't praise those neo-Nazis at Charlottesville as very fine people. Joe, Kamala, and the Leftist media lied to you. Joe and Kamala in doing so caused the murders and mayhems of people who were thought to be Republicans that had voted for President Trump. Neither Joe nor Kamala did denounce this violence until October of 2020.Now Joe and Kamala are calling for unity. But wait, why would the Democrats want to unite…

Continue ReadingJoe and Kamala are worthy of your hatred.