Matt Gaetz, your worries are justified.

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Matt Gaetz and other congresspersons were denied entry to inspect the conditions within the DC jail facility. This writer has seen the abuse of a prisoner firsthand. It shames me to recount this incident. I had entered the jail operations phase of my training by the Sacramento Sheriff’s Department in 1982. We were searching the cells for contraband. As part of the search process, we instructed the prisoners to remove all of their clothing before leaving their cells. A prisoner in the 5150 section left his cell walking in comic fashion singing; Left Right Sergeant, Left Right Sergeant… The Sergeant became really mad and cursed at the prisoner and told the prisoner to quit that singing when he walked. 5150 denotes mental sickness or other factors that make the person a threat to themselves or others. The prisoner, I judged was just being silly. The prisoner followed all of my directions. Upon the completion of the searching of the cells, we, trainees, left the cells to return to the line of prisoners.

The Sergeant told the prisoners to return to their cells. The prisoner sang the same line as he walked in a silly manner to his cell. The Sergeant cursed at the prisoner and ran at him as he was halfway into the cell. The Sergeant kicked the prisoner in the small of his back which propelled the prisoner into the cell’s back wall. The prisoner slid toward the floor bending his back in a manner that backbones aren’t meant to bend. The Sergeant cursed one more time at the prisoner. Here comes the shame that still haunts me to this day; the Sergeant looked at me and said, “Did you see anything? I said no. The Sergeant asked the other trainees, and they said no as well. I finished the training, but that incident soured me to a career in law enforcement. I did not report the Sergeant’s felony act, to my shame.

What is the DC Jailer staff hiding? The Oval Office usurper, Joe Biden, said, “No constitutional amendment is absolute.” It’s a fact the federal government has tortured people when President Bush 43rd was in the Oval Office. If abuse is taking place against those who protested and entered the Capitol building, I would expect some of the prisoners will die by staged suicides. Remember, Democrats have painted these people as insurrectionists-traitors to the country. And the Democrats have painted with a broad brush that Trump voters are Nazis. The DC jail is in a Blue voter stronghold. It would follow the jailors would feel justified to abuse these prisoners or even conduct torture operations. After all, Joe Biden said the Eighth Amendment forbidding cruel and unusual punishment isn’t absolute.

Written by Mark Pullen. Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell.