Hans Moke Niemann is an admitted cheater.

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All of the chess FIDE-titled players I follow on Twitch-TV are up in arms about Hans Niemann’s past chess cheating on the website, Chess.com. All of these titled players are registered Democrats. Some of whom are flaming liberals. For instance, Ben Finegold questioned if Republicans are human beings on Twitter. All of them have expressed their disdain for Donald Trump. None of these chess players have ever criticized Joe Biden while I have been watching their stream. This is mystifying to me.

They say, they are against cheating in any form, but they apparently support Joe Biden who cheated in law school { plagiarism }. And, Joe Biden cheated { plagiarized & lied } his way into the United States Senate. Furthermore, by his own admission, Joe Biden admitted to cheating his way into the Oval Office.

I will now adopt the Democrats’ woke ideology. If words are violence, then Niemann’s cheating in tournaments where prize money was at stake was akin to the crime of rape. There is no disputing Niemann’s chess-raping of other chess players because Niemann admitted to his cheating. However, Niemann sought to minimize his crimes against other chess players. Niemann said he had only cheat two times and never while he was streaming on Twitch-TV. Chess.com produced a report that showed Niemann had cheated at least a hundred times. Moreover, the report gave strong indications that Niemann may have cheated in person in tournaments. Additionally, a video was produced from Niemann’s past Twitch-TV stream that showed he had cheated. In the middle of a game on chess.com, the site’s anti-cheating engine caught Niemann using a chess computer program to find the best moves.

The chess world champion, Magnus Carlsen, is refusing to play chess with Niemann. It was Carlsen who first sounded the alarm about the unsportsmanlike conduct of Niemann. After Carlsen’s warning, more robust checks were instituted at tournaments. All of a sudden, Niemann’s accuracy in his chess play plummeted, coincidence?

Published by Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.