Senator, I can’t define the word, woman, I’m not a biologist.

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I watched the first day of Ms. Jackson’s Senate confirmation hearings. I really like her and what she had to say about the constitution and how she approached the discharge of her jurist duties. The Republican senators made a big deal about Ms. Jackson’s sentencing record on child porn offenders. I could not form an opinion because I did not have access to the court records.

I thought, “Nothing to see here, Ms. Jackson is a conservative Democrat.” Thus, I did not plan to watch the second day of this confirmation. The next morning, I was studying my chess tactics. I took a break to check my Twitter feed and I saw memes I did not understand. One of my followers posted a meme of a married couple. The wife asked the husband to water the garden plants. The husband answered, “What’s a plant? I’m not a botanist.” Here below are the best of the best memes about this confusion.

I had to combine on the same plate what Ms. Jackson said with the best meme. If case you are unaware, that’s a “woman” who requires a prostate exam at “her” yearly physical examinations. Biden appointed “her” to assist the Secretary of Health. Then Biden promoted “her” to the rank in the navy of Admiral! Fun fact; “she” has sired children with sperm! While I’m no biologist, I know women don’t have prostates nor do women produce sperm cells.

Ms. Jackson is a Woke Wolf in conservative clothing. The damning facts about Ms. Jackson kept erupting on my screen. Ms. Jackson is a trustee at an elite private school in Washington D.C.  Ms. Jackson told her second lie under oath. The first was a well-educated and highly intelligent person as Ms. Jackson is, claims she can’t define the word, woman because she/he/it isn’t a biologist. The school teaches babies are born racist. Books were entered into the Congressional record from that school as proof the most radical teachings of critical race theory[CRT] are being taught at this school. 

I will point out the ruling elite send their children to these private schools. The elites have done this for generations. It’s no wonder why we have people ruling over us have such radical views that translate into this current state America finds itself in 2022. Ms. Jackson first claimed CRT wasn’t being taught in schools nationwide. Ms. Jackson said CRT was only being studied in academic circles such as Harvard University. When shown the books from the school such as the one titled, Racist Baby, Ms Jackson claimed she was unaware of what was being taught at the school.

I wish Senator Blackburn would’ve followed up with: Ms. Jackson, are you a woman? [ if yes ] Ms. Jackson, are you certain? I will remind you are under oath. Ms. Jackson, explain how you know you are a woman. I mused Ms. Jackson was caught by surprise when she birthed her first baby. I further mused she instructed the Doctor to spank her baby, straight out of the womb for being racist.

Ms. Jackson’s reasoning is the Supreme Court has to have experts in all fields in order to make any rulings with that biologist dodge to Senator Blackburn’s question. That disqualifies Ms. Jackson from this lifetime appointment. Moreover, the two obvious falsehoods said by Ms. Jackson while under oath are wholly disqualifying in my view.

Written by Mark Pullen. Published by Editor, Sammy Campbell.