Here we go again.

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The above picture conveys what we have come to know, that being two forms to control us. Some things for you to ponder; Biden has said climate change is the greatest threat to the planet, and if we don’t change course, we will all die in twelve years from the usage of fossil fuels. Then why did Biden sell billions of barrels of oil to China from the strategic national reserve? Why did Biden ask the Saudis to increase their fossil fuel production? Two days ago, the news reported that India is ramping up coal burning in their power plant to stave off brownouts in their power grid.

I asked Biden if he was going to attack India to save the planet. If Biden believes climate change is a grave threat that will end all life on the planet in just twelve years, then why hasn’t Biden destroyed all the planes, vehicles, and tanks in our nation’s armed services? Why did Biden sell our oil to China? Why hasn’t Biden destroyed the planes and helicopters he uses? Why did Biden ask the Saudis to increase their fossil fuel production instead of attacking them and the other fossil fuel producers? Biden promised a woman in 2020 that he would end all fossil fuels. Why hasn’t Biden fulfilled that promise? It is as if Biden has been lyin’.

Now on to Covid. First, allow me to set the stage to connect the dots for you. In 2019 Biden said, “I consider undocumented immigrants to be already U.S. citizens.” Upon hearing Biden saying that, I wrote,  “Biden is saying anyone who illegally steps across our nation’s border is a U.S. citizen. Biden’s intention is to displace our Black citizenry.” The march of time has proved me right. In our biggest cities, Black citizens are complaining that illegal aliens are being treated far better than they have been by the government. I will remind you of the fact that Biden bribed Black citizens for their votes with the promise of reparations. To this date, Biden hasn’t mentioned his promise of reparations.

I realized the government was using Covid as an instrument of control for the following reasons: While we were being locked down in our homes to prevent the spread of Covid, Biden opened the Southern border to every Tom, Dick, and Harry who wanted to enter our country. I thought, “This is like being in a boat that is taking on water, and half of the crew is bailing like mad, meanwhile, the other half of the crew is drilling holes in the bottom of the boat. We were being confined to our homes to prevent the spread of Covid, meanwhile, with the tens of millions of homeless across the nation it was business as usual. The Democrats have had four years to master ways to rig the 2024 presidential election. You can see the gears turning toward future lockdowns that will necessitate en mass mail-in ballots for the 2024 election.

Written by Mark Pullen. Published by Editor, Sammy Campbell.