What happens in Ukraine stays in Ukraine?

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The situation is complex, and it is hard to know the true facts. However, if one dons the Democrats' woke goggles, all becomes clear as to what to do. I won't just yet don these woke goggles. Ukraine is the largest country by landmass in Europe. During WWII, the Western portion of Ukraine collaborated with the Nazis to build and operate killing camps for the Jews. The Russian people suffered the heaviest combat losses during WWII because Hitler invaded Russia. Putin is claiming there are Neo-Nazis running Ukraine's government and the government has been shelling the ethnic…

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Hillarygate: What’s the truth?

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I wasn't going to cover Hillarygate, however, Jesse Watters made a claim I could not ignore. Watters said Hillary's campaign planted disinformation on servers in Trump Tower to frame Donald Trump. I accessed Judicial Watch's site to review John Durham's latest court filings. I reviewed Durham's filings with the court, and I found no mention of inserting files onto servers. However, Judicial Watch acquired through litigation the emails of the following persons: Rodney Joffe, April Lorenzen, David Dagon, Steve DeJong, and Manos Antonakakis. These individuals were contracted to build a narrative that proved candidate Donald Trump was…

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Mark Pullen’s take on this meeting.

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Forgive me for channeling woke 2020 campaigning, Joe Biden. Biden all but condemned America for its sin of slavery. Biden implied this sin was unatonable. Biden also promised reparations to the descendants of those slaves as did Kamala Harris. So I ask, why did Biden meet with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz? Yes, America's long in the past of keeping slaves was very bad, but what the German people did in the recent past eclipses any wrong the American people ever did. As a result of Germany starting WWII, 85 million people perished. And lest you forget, Germany…

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 Bill: The Freedom to Vote Act. Why now?

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I have only voted in California. However, I have witnessed the voting conditions for more than five decades. My parents were registered as democrats, but they voted for Republicans since FDR with the one exception of John F. Kennedy. My parents took me with them when they voted. I've seen the voting conditions both under a red and a blue state. To my misery, my father always took me to the DMV. I can still hear the clattering of the workers' typers. In those days, the DMV was filled with cancer stick smoke.The lines were long and…

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Let’s go, Brandon! The Dems are outraged.

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For those who don't know, last spring a reporter from NBC was interviewing NASCAR driver, Brandon Brown. The crowd of hundreds was chanting, "F_ck Joe Biden!" This chant could be easily heard by television viewers. The reporter tried to cover up what the crowd was chanting by misrepresenting the chant to; Let's go, Brandon. The reporter said to Brandon Brown, your supporters are saying, "Let's go Brandon!" How does that make you feel?The Democrats have called this phrase a seditious death threat to Biden. They have called for the arrest of those who dare to utter this…

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Sports and games: An experiment in Reparations.

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To see how reparations would affect the fabric of society, I propose these changes to our sports and games. It would be interesting if the eligible players would take advantage of these reparations' changes to their events. In team sports, would White players become too much of a liability? Would basketball and American football become exclusive African Americans-only sports? I find it interesting that neither Biden nor Harris has made an honest effort to implement reparations despite what they promised while campaigning for the presidency.I am neither for, nor against the notion of reparation for our African…

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Kamala betrayed the Black community and no one noticed, but me.

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Kamala Harris is devoid of any ethics and certainly any morals. Willie Brown, a married man, had sex privileges with her. Harris sent Black men to prison for smoking weed and she admitted to smoking weed in college and laughed about her usage. Harris called Joe Biden a racist on the debate stage. When confronted by Stephen Colbert, Harris quipped, "It was a debate." Harris also by her admission called Joe Biden a rapist. Harris said she believed all of the women that had come forward to accuse Biden of sexual misconduct. Harris is by her own admission…

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President Brandon is lying about fuel prices.

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President Brandon said he can't do anything about the rising fuel prices. That's not true. In fact, the high prices we are experiencing are by design as part of his plan. Brandon was transparent about his plans to cripple America during the campaign cycle. "I promise you, I will end fossil fuels."-Candidate Brandon. Candidate Brandon made this pledge to a woman in early 2020. On the debate stage, Brandon said if elected, he would end fracking for the production of oil and natural gas. While it's true that fuels are sold on the commodity market, our presidents…

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The facts and just the facts of the Rittenhouse case.

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Firstly, contrary to what the liars on television are saying, Rittenhouse did NOT cross the state's line with a firearm. This fact was shown in the courtroom. This shooting incident was NOT racially motivated. All of the people that Rittenhouse shot were white men. Rittenhouse is not a white supremacist. The media and the D.A.'s office had a year's time to pour over what Rittenhouse had said and what he had written. No evidence was introduced in the courtroom that Rittenhouse is a racist. Moreover, the media in tandem with the Democrats labeled Rittenhouse as a white…

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Attention Durham: Sidney Blumenthal must be indicted also.

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Hillary Clinton lied under oath about her relationship with Blumenthal on October 15th, 2015. Clinton told Trey Gowdy that Blumenthal was only a friend of hers and certainly, he was NOT an advisor to her when she was the Secretary of State. The emails of Clinton proved otherwise. During Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State, Blumenthal was paid the sum of $10,000 a month from the coffers of the Clinton Foundation according to internal emails between Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills. These payments appear to have continued while Clinton was vying for the presidency.People assumed their donations…

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{L}et’s {G}o {B}randon: A startling ramification.

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Scott Adams introduced me to the theory of the "Simulation".  Adams broadcast live on YouTube daily at 7 am PST daily. Adams is an honest broker of the truth. To wit, I highly recommend your viewership. Adams talks about a wide range of topics during his broadcasts. I don't listen to Adams to have my ears tickled, but to have my views challenged in a constructive manner. Before Adams, I had absolute certainty of the nature of the universe. The video I will show adds more evidence that we are living in a Simulation. More than any…

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Confirmed; Biden’s presidency is a puppet presidency.

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Biden told Anderson Cooper he would defend Taiwan militarily from China. After the town hall meeting ended Business Insider reported; "The US defense relationship with Taiwan is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act," the spokesperson told reporters.Who is the unnamed spokesperson? In effect, the spokesperson from the White House told the reporters Joe Biden wasn't authorized to make the decision to defend Taiwan. From the Washington Examiner; “There has been no shift. The president was not announcing any change in our policy. Nor has he made a decision to change our policy,” press secretary Jen Psaki told…

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CNN is not the only bad actor.

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What prompted me to write this article is what I saw on Dave Rubin's show two weeks ago. Dave showed Nancy Pelosi using the hand gesture of the okay sign. I noticed afterward that Joe Biden was using it too. The media claimed the okay sign was a White supremacy sign when President Trump used it. The reporters were silent that made the claim during the Trump presidency. That really bothers me to no end. Six months ago, a UK rag said Matt Gaetz was going to be indicted by a grand jury in two weeks' time…

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An evaluation of Hillary’s interview.

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I saw Hillary's interview transcription on my media feed. Jennifer works at the Atlantic publication. The Atlantic is a sock-puppet for the Democratic Party. My comments will be within the interview in dark black within brackets. It's a long transcription, but fear not, I included the video interview at the bottom. You need only look for my commentary. What you need to know; I do have biases toward Hillary. During the cold war era in the 80s, I worked in a classified setting. In one particular program, I was read into, I had to sign my life…

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Biden gifted ISIS-K the best-recruiting narrative ever.

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When Biden authorized this drone strike, he did set in motion events that will play out for years to come. I will remind you, my dear reader, President Bush's staging of our soldiers for the first Gulf war triggered events that ultimately caused the 9/11 attacks. Osama bin Laden believed all of the Saudi soil is holy ground and to have infidels trod upon it was an affront to Islam.That drone strike killed ten people of whom were six children. It is unknown how many more suffered injuries. ISIS-K and other groups will use this incident as…

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Covid and immigration, Biden fails.

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I'm appalled how Biden is treating Blacks from Haiti. Biden can't deport them fast enough which proves in my mind he is in a covert war with the Black community. Meanwhile, those from Mexico and Central America are being welcomed with open arms. All of which is taking place during a pandemic. Biden told Lester Holt on Sep 18, 2020: “If the president had done his job, had done his job from the beginning, all the people would still be alive. All the people — I’m not making this up. Just look at the data. Look at…

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Try as he may, Biden can’t emulate the “Man of Steel”.

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What Joseph Biden said is eerily similar to what the Man of Steel, Joseph Stalin, said of voting. "I don't care who votes, only who counts the votes". Biden's statement holds only one meaning that is not open to interpretation. Biden's first sentence is a preamble for the listeners to understand what he expects determines election results. The first line is an admission of noncitizens voting in national elections. The second line confirms the first line's meaning. Biden makes reference to "eligible voters" thus confirming he was speaking of noncitizen voting in the first line. In the…

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Paramount+: Star Trek Discovery; is a waste of your time.

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This show is just as bad as Picard. On the right is Captain Philippa Georgiou who can't be any heavier than 105 pounds. On the left is Michael Burnham who can't be any heavier than 120 pounds. And I can't answer why a female character is named, Michael. Flash forward, Michael Burnham is the first officer to Captain Philippa Georgiou. Burnham finds a Klingon warship while on a spacewalk. They contact the Klingons after exchanging weapons fire. Then the show goes totally off the rails. These two slight of stature women decide to infiltrate the Klingon ship…

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Paramount+: Picard; is a waste of your time.

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Sir Patrick Steward gravely disappointed me once again in his lack of knowledge of physical laws. The one episode I had the displeasure to review was appalling in that he allowed himself to contribute to the dumbing down of the audience. The opening scene shows a young woman in her apartment being attacked by Romulan assassins. She dispatches them with ease. She seeks out Picard. They talk and Picard realizes she is a biological android that may have been created by Data, his friend, long since destroyed. The next scene shows Picard and the biological android crossing…

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Hold C.R.T. worshipers to their own standards.

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Ibram Xolani Kendi and his ilk are not interested in improving race relations in this country. Kandi and his race-baiting cohorts are only interested in acquiring ever more power and being paid vast sums of money for producing nothing. Kendi and his fellow C.R.T. practitioners preach this country can never absolve itself from the sin of slavery. Moreover, White people are inherently racist because it's coded in their DNA. Kendi is the High-Priest of Critical Race Theory. One of Kendi's cohorts, Marley K, wrote, "I need White people to understand that all White people are racist. Yes…

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The Oval Office usurper’s exit from Afghanistan.

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Biden said he wouldn't send soldiers to fight for people who aren't willing to fight for themselves and he wouldn't repeat the mistakes of the last three presidents. Yes, you heard that right, Biden threw Obama under the proverbial bus! Biden was telling a pack of lies during this address to the nation. The Afghan security forces have taken 54,000 losses in the past seven years. We didn't need to pull out of Afghanistan either as Biden asserted. The Taliban has violated the negotiated terms of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. There hadn't been a US casualty…

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Keith Olbermann’s warring words must be answered.

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"And this is why we have to act and we have to act brutally against Trump and his supporters in office and out...round-up Trump and the cult now! No restoration...just eternal damnation." -Keith Olbermann.I wish I hadn't seen Keith Olbermann say this call for violence. If Olbermann hadn't used brutally in his statement, I could have allowed this to pass without a response. Brutally defined: in a savagely violent way. First off, Keith Olbermann must be arrested for threatening a former president of the United States. Just imagine if Sean Hannity had said this about President Obama…

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He’s the canary in the political coal mine.

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Matt Gaetz has been reporting malfeasants on both sides of the aisle in Congress. As the miners' canaries of yore reported the mine's atmosphere toxicity level,  so too, Matt Gaetz has shown how toxic American politics is on a personal level. Matt Gaetz doesn't accept special interest money, which with Matt Gaetz's reporting of malfeasants meant he had to be targeted for destruction. Enter the Shadow Government Complex [SGC]. Yes, there is an SGC, the FBI confirmed its existence in its 2016 report dealing with threats to national security.What prompted me to write this article is I…

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Matt Gaetz, your worries are justified.

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Matt Gaetz and other congresspersons were denied entry to inspect the conditions within the DC jail facility. This writer has seen the abuse of a prisoner firsthand. It shames me to recount this incident. I had entered the jail operations phase of my training by the Sacramento Sheriff's Department in 1982. We were searching the cells for contraband. As part of the search process, we instructed the prisoners to remove all of their clothing before leaving their cells. A prisoner in the 5150 section left his cell walking in comic fashion singing; Left Right Sergeant, Left Right…

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