{L}et’s {G}o {B}randon: A startling ramification.

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Scott Adams introduced me to the theory of the “Simulation”.  Adams broadcast live on YouTube daily at 7 am PST daily. Adams is an honest broker of the truth. To wit, I highly recommend your viewership. Adams talks about a wide range of topics during his broadcasts. I don’t listen to Adams to have my ears tickled, but to have my views challenged in a constructive manner. Before Adams, I had absolute certainty of the nature of the universe. The video I will show adds more evidence that we are living in a Simulation. More than any other theory, the Simulation theory explains the reality we see.

I knew as a fact, that no aliens had ever visited our planet and aliens would never visit our planet because of the theory of relativity. In short, other solar systems are too far away because the universe has imposed a speed limit that of {C}. C=the speed of light. As mass approaches {C} it becomes infinite. Therefore, the energy requirements also become infinite. The Simulation theory explains there are no aliens because it would require more coding. Other planets with how their societies function.

Someone at NASA got the idea to point the Hubble space telescope at a patch of space where there weren’t any visible stars. The Hubble telescope was set to take prolonged days of exposure to that patch of space. In first-person video games, what you don’t look at doesn’t exist until you look at it. For instance, the landscape doesn’t exist behind you until you turn around. NASA saw galaxies that were over 100 billion light-years from us. If we are living in a Simulation, those galaxies didn’t exist until NASA looked at that patch of space.

Fun fact: Those galaxies are not where NASA saw them because of universal expansion. NASA only can see where they used to be some 100 billion years ago. This has been my effort to lay the foundation for what is coming next.

There is an expression that goes; “The Simulation is winking at us.” If we are living in a Simulation, Joe Biden is an NPC-Non Playable Character. Watch Jumani the next level for a good explanation of NPCs. It is so funny. When Joe Biden butchered his quote of the preamble to the constitution that may have been the Simulation doing its winking. Joe Biden said, “All men and women were created equal by the thing…you know, the thing.”

Now we come to, Let’s Go, Brandon. NBC reporter, Kelli Stavast, was interviewing a driver who won his race. The crowd was chanting, “F@@k Joe Biden.” Stavast tried to cover up what the crowd was chanting by saying they were cheering, Let’s Go, Brandon. Now watch the video and I will see you afterward.

It seems as though the odds for the occurrence to make this video are incalculable. 1. The winner of the race was a driver by the name of Brandon. 2. Stavast said the crowd was shouting, Let’s Go, Brandon. 3. Trump and Biden are saying the three letters from LGBQ. All of these coincidences that make this video possible shook me to my core.  I can’t say I’m a Simulation believer. But if you look there are indications that are manifesting daily. So now the chant of, Let’s Go, Brandon, means, F@@k Joe Biden, to include, LGB. If you have made it this far, I will reward your long-suffering. The tune was so sticky to me that I converted the video file to an MP3 music file. You may request a copy from me at MarkPullen@DCDocumentReports.com

Written by Mark Pullen. Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell.