Let’s go, Brandon! The Dems are outraged.

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For those who don't know, last spring a reporter from NBC was interviewing NASCAR driver, Brandon Brown. The crowd of hundreds was chanting, "F_ck Joe Biden!" This chant could be easily heard by television viewers. The reporter tried to cover up what the crowd was chanting by misrepresenting the chant to; Let's go, Brandon. The reporter said to Brandon Brown, your supporters are saying, "Let's go Brandon!" How does that make you feel?The Democrats have called this phrase a seditious death threat to Biden. They have called for the arrest of those who dare to utter this…

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{L}et’s {G}o {B}randon: A startling ramification.

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Scott Adams introduced me to the theory of the "Simulation".  Adams broadcast live on YouTube daily at 7 am PST daily. Adams is an honest broker of the truth. To wit, I highly recommend your viewership. Adams talks about a wide range of topics during his broadcasts. I don't listen to Adams to have my ears tickled, but to have my views challenged in a constructive manner. Before Adams, I had absolute certainty of the nature of the universe. The video I will show adds more evidence that we are living in a Simulation. More than any…

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