Let’s go, Brandon! The Dems are outraged.

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For those who don’t know, last spring a reporter from NBC was interviewing NASCAR driver, Brandon Brown. The crowd of hundreds was chanting, “F_ck Joe Biden!” This chant could be easily heard by television viewers. The reporter tried to cover up what the crowd was chanting by misrepresenting the chant to; Let’s go, Brandon. The reporter said to Brandon Brown, your supporters are saying, “Let’s go Brandon!” How does that make you feel?

The Democrats have called this phrase a seditious death threat to Biden. They have called for the arrest of those who dare to utter this phrase. I’ve seen video footage of a woman being removed by security officers from a hockey event for the crime of wearing a shirt that has this phrase. Let’s look how Biden reacts to this phrase.

“Let’s go, Brandon. I agree.” -Joe Biden December 24, 2021. The Democrats’ allies are memory holing all of the death threats made by them and their allies in Hollywood to then-President Trump and his family, as well as, all of the “F_ck Trump” said by them. Robert De Niro at the Oscars was cheered on for saying, “F_ck Trump.” repeatedly. The Blue Checks Democrats rushed to their Twitter account to post this in their mutual agreement with Robert De Niro.

Who can ever forget what Kathy Griffin did? The Democrats rushed to support her and declared her holding a likeness of President Trump’s severed head as art. However, when some enterprising meme-maker did this, the Democrats declared this a call for the killing of Joe Biden. Moreover, they called on the Secret Service to arrest the creator and asked Jack Dorsey to suspend the accounts of those who reposted it.

It seems as though the Democrats are opposed to the notion of; turnabout is fair play. So why are crowds at stadiums across the country chanting either F_ck Joe Biden or Let’s go, Brandon? Let’s turn the clock back to see what he promised the voters if they elected him and compare that to what he said last week.

During one of the debates between President Trump and Joe Biden, Biden said he was the head of his party, the Democratic party. I can’t make the claim that the election was stolen. However, all of the metrics and the actions of the Democrats point toward a stolen election. When Democrats kicked out all of the witnesses from the ballots counting areas and covered the windows to hide what was afoot. Why didn’t Joe Biden as the head of his party demand transparency in the ballot counting? After the court ruled the election officials had to allow the witnesses back in and the officials defied the court’s order, why didn’t Biden demand publicly the officials who were Democrats, comply with the court’s order?

The presumption of innocents only applies to the citizens. When the government is nontransparent, the presumption has to be corruption. An FBI spokesperson appeared before Congress last week. She would NOT answer a yes or no question if FBI agents were among the people that entered the Capital building on 1/6/2021. She was asked if any FBI personnel engaged in illegalities on 1/6/2021 at the Capital. She said, Not to my knowledge.

The responses from the FBI spokesperson were unacceptable. The last election was held under duress. The Democrats promised violence if President Trump was reelected. Kamala Harris promised violence in clear direct language. What has changed? Why aren’t BLM and ANTIFA still burning down cities across America? Were BLM’s and ANTIFA’s demands met? The answer is no. BLM and ANTIFA were killing and pillaging on the behalf of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Harris even bailed out BLM and ANTIFA criminals so they could continue their marauding.

The shoe on the other foot test; It is certain if Republican officials had engaged in what the other side had done and President Trump had won the election, BLM and ANTIFA would have stormed the Capitol building instead. But, Republican Congresspersons would have been killed. It is laughably absurd to hear Democrats say the election results must not be challenged in any way. See for yourself how the Democrats behaved in 2016 in this video clip.

How is it that Biden’s approval ratings are in the toilets? 67% of American voters disapprove of the handling by Biden of the pandemic, the economy, inflation, energy prices, the supply chain, the withdrawal from Afghanistan, and foreign relations crisis management. Remember, Biden received more votes than Obama, supposedly. And never forget all of the rioting that took place in DC on the day that Donald Trump took the oath for the presidency.

Hardly, a right-wing news outlet.

I will focus on what you saw Madonna say, “I’ve been thinking a lot about blowing up the White House.” I will draw your attention to the fact that Madonna was reading from a prepared statement. She meant what she said! To kill President Trump, Madonna was willing to kill another 346 White House staffing employees of which the majority are people of color, a child, Barron Trump, Melania Trump, the law enforcement K-9s, and all of the law enforcement agents. That was a terrorist’s statement. If I, Mark Pullen, had been able-bodied then, I would have killed Madonna and lost no sleep over it.

Starting in the spring of 2017, a company of actors put on Shakespeare’s play about the killing of Caesar free to all in Central Park for months. Caesar was portrayed by a Donald Trump lookalike actor. Democrats cheered the portrayal of the killing of Donald Trump as Caesar. Imagine how the same Democrats would lose their minds if the same was done to Biden. I urged Donald Trump to put on the same play where a lookalike Joe Biden as Caesar is stabbed to death by Roman senators.

Remember Brandon Brown, the NASCAR driver where this phenomenon all started with? The NASCAR governance has of last week forbade Brandon Brown from having Let’s go, Brandon painted on his racing cars. In closing;

Let’s go, Brandon!

Written by Mark Pullen. Published by Editor, Sammy Campbell.