Bill: The Freedom to Vote Act. Why now?

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I have only voted in California. However, I have witnessed the voting conditions for more than five decades. My parents were registered as democrats, but they voted for Republicans since FDR with the one exception of John F. Kennedy. My parents took me with them when they voted. I’ve seen the voting conditions both under a red and a blue state. To my misery, my father always took me to the DMV. I can still hear the clattering of the workers’ typers. In those days, the DMV was filled with cancer stick smoke.

The lines were long and slow. By contrast, when I accompanied my parents to vote in the then-red state of California, the lines were short and they moved quickly. Our polling place was at my elementary school. At no time did I see anyone preventing the entry to the polling station. This holds since those years in the 60s’. I’ve never read of an account of people being prevented to enter any polling station in America in these modern times.

I have seen video coverage of long slow lines in other states, both blue and red. Poor management on the election officials’ part. Joe Biden said last week anyone opposed to ” The Freedom to Vote Act” is siding with the worst of the worst of racists. Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and the other Democrats in Congress echoed this assertion. To everyone’s astonishment, Joe Biden said the next elections would not be legitimate if the elections were not brought under the control of the federal government.

Why didn’t the Democrats bring this up before the 2020 elections while the Republicans controlled the Senate and the White House? The Democrats tried to do away with the filibuster rule in the Senate to federalize our elections. The Democrats said to use the filibuster is racist. Video footage was produced by Republicans showing prominent Democrats, including Chuck Schumer and then-Senator Joe Biden arguing to preserve the filibuster as a worthy tool for them to prevent mob rule.

I’m all for transparency in all of our elections for dog catcher to the presidency. As far as I could tell, there was no provision to make our election fully auditable in a timely matter. 1 Jan. occurred because the Democrats in the swing states gave the appearance of election rigging. What did they expect after they did the following? Democratic election officials kicked out all of the Republican polling witnesses, covered the windows to preserve the secrecy of the ballot tallying, and defied a court’s order to allow the witnesses back in.

Biden is channeling his inner Joesph Stalin in this video clip.

Published by Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.