Republicans are a higher class of people, here’s why.

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You will be shown the proof in photographic and video evidence. Firstly, it wasn’t Republicans who were burning cities to the ground in 2020. Every Republican was appalled at the death of George Floyd. On a personal note, I recoiled in shock at the use of excessive force George Floyd received from the police officers. I wrote an article condemning the police officers with a prediction of guilty for the charge of murder in the trial of Derek Chauvin.


I screenshot this from a live feed on election night in 2016 after the race was called for Donald J. Trump. Democrats have openly and repeatedly have called for the raping of Melania Trump. No such call has been made by Republicans for Jill Biden. 

Then there are the numerous threats of harm against Baron Trump by prominent Democrats. You can’t get more prominent than Peter Fonda. Peter Fonda wrote on his Twitter account; “rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles.” Not one prominent Republican has called for the harming of any Biden family member. Peter Fonda wasn’t done yet, he called for the harming of Sarah Huckabee’s children too.

This Democrat, James Hodgkinson, sought out Republicans at a Baseball practice and he shot then U.S. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and other Republicans. In my opinion, there’s a 40% chance this shooting was directed to recapture the majority in the House of Representatives in Congress. No Republican has sought out to kill Democrats. Hodgkinson was a campaign employee for Senator Bernie Sanders.

These flowers of the Democratic Party are displaying their low class outside of the Trump Tower. I’m not aware of Republicans making such displays of low-class behavior. 

And who can forget this Democrat’s, Kathy Griffin, call for the murder of President Trump? Griffin was a friend of Donald Trump back in the day before he ran as a Republican. Griffin was caught on a hot mic at the photoshoot saying she would have to provably flee the country after the publicization of the photo. I’m not aware of a Republican doing this for Joe Biden.

Another Democrat calling for the assassination of President Trump. I’m not aware of any Republican who holds a State office or an office in Congress who has called for the assassination of Joe Biden.

Another Democrat, Tom Arnold, had a visit from the Secret Service for his incitement for violence against President Trump. Fact check me on this, there has been no instance where the Secret Service has to have paid a visit to a Republican actor over a death threat or an incitement to violence against any president.

And speaking of Secret Service visitations, Democrat Doctor of psychology, Jeffrey Guterman, was paid two visits from the Secret Service for his attempts to entice others to assassinate President Trump. You can find my article on Guterman in the archives. On the second visit, the agents made the promise to Guterman if they had to come back a third time, he would leave with them. I know all of this because Guterman wrote about his encounters with the Secret Service. Guterman caught my attention on Twitter from his disturbing posts on President Trump Twitter feed.

After President Trump left the White House, prominent Democrat, Robert Reich, who had been President Clinton’s Labor Secretary, called for the making of lists of those voters who had supported President Trump. That’s from the Nazi playbook. Democrats answered Reich’s call for lists saying they would make those lists in their attempts to take away the livelihoods of those voters or worse. Some Democrats even floated the idea of reeducation camps.

I will focus on two Democrats who appear in the below video. The very prominent Democrat, Madonna, who campaigned for Hillary Clinton in 2016, and promised blow-jobs to male voters who voted for Hillary Clinton, says she is thinking a lot about blowing up the White House. A small army of civil servants works at the White House. If Madonna had her way, she would have killed cooks, porters, tour guides, law enforcement officers, office workers, tourists, and children, all to kill Donald Trump, Melania, and their child, Baron. I will note for you that the White House staff, the cooks, porters, and ushers, are mostly comprised of Black Americans. Madonna was calling for the murdering of scores of Black Americans!

Next, we come to Representative Maxine Waters. Waters says very disturbing lines in this video. “Tell them, they are not welcome anywhere” that’s a call for murder! That’s what the Nazis told the Jews in Germany, and we know how that turned out. Next Waters says, “I will take out Trump tonight!” Waters should have been arrested and charged. 

Elephant in the room, Jan. 6th

January 6th was a cause-and-effect event. Imagine if the swing states had been Republican strongholds. Biden is way ahead in an insurmountable lead and then those five states suspend the tallying process. Then magically when the tallying resumes the next day, Trump is ahead or barely trailing Biden. In Pennsylvania, where Biden was hundreds of thousands of votes ahead with the majority of the counties reporting 80%-90% of their totals, the election officials kick out the Democratic observers and cover the windows where the vote tallying is being done. We all know the Democrats will use violence to their advantage. I see the Democrats as terrorists. Make no mistake, if the roles had been reversed as I laid forth, the Democrats would have stormed the Capital building to kill every Republican Congressperson they found.

In closing, crazy and evil are not exclusive to our country. If Putin is subject to these levels of evil that we all face from Democrats on a daily basis, then who could fault him for thinning out that crazy and evil in Russia? Putin, do us a favor and do some thinning here too, sir.

Written by Mark Pullen. Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell.