Go Shayetet 13!

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After the Hamas attack, I did some research into the Special Forces of Israel. Israel has many units. It appears the requirements are higher than the United States to serve in these units and the training is longer, moreover, it is harder. Shayetet 13 is Israel’s Navy’s Seals { equivalent }. I noticed some IDF soldiers are { indistinguishable } from their Palestinian counterparts. The picture above is from Arma III. Arma III is the most realistic military game/simulator. I noticed the Hamas terrorists had only iron sites on their rifles. If I was the Prime Minister of Israel, I would have deployed Shayetet 13 operators within the Gaza Strip to sow strife among the Palestinians. 

To win a war, the victor has to kill more of the enemy than the enemy does to the victor. The United States killed more Germans and Japanese than Germany and Japan killed Americans. The United States targeted civilian population centers in Germany and Japan because the civilians made the weapons, {munitions }, and supplied the food to the military. The civilians are responsible for the actions of their government. Therefore, there is no such thing as an innocent civilian, in my opinion. 

As Israel’s PM, I would have sent Shayetet 13 operators in the cover of night from the sea to plant landmines to give the Palestinians a taste of their own medicine from time to time and claiming no responsibility if accused. I ran simulations using the weapons and optics that the Israelis possess and what the Palestinians have. My simulations yielded a result as if the Palestinians were to the 13th-century soldiers to the modern 21st-century Israeli soldiers. Israel could kill every Palestinian, all six million of them, and suffer no military casualties.

Israel if unrestrained by the United States, Israel would be able to topple the Iranian government with ease by using its advanced technology and its beyond-fierce military personnel. It is Iran that bankrolls the terrorist organizations that surround Israel. I watched a report on the IDF a few weeks ago. A reporter was allowed to ride along on night patrols. After the November 7th Hamas attack, I wondered why the Israelis who lived so close to Gaza and therefore, lived close to terrorists; why didn’t every household have a firearm? An IDF soldier explained the reason on night patrol. He said they patrol at night to keep the peace between the Israeli and the Arab villages. Firstly, I was astonished there are Arab villages in Israel. Israel doesn’t have two separate laws for Jews and laws for non-Jews. However, there is one exception, Arabs aren’t subject to { conscription } as Jews are when they turn 18 years of age. Arabs may choose to serve in the IDF. So the answer is, no firearms for civilians in Israel because Israelis and Arabs would feud.

Back to the simulation I ran. Using the editor, I created ten Hamas units. Those units took possession of an airport on the coast of the sea, the small post on the hill above the airport, the village North of the airport, and three radar installations. The other Hamas teams patrolled the roads. When the action starts, gunfire can be heard from points from the North to the South. There isn’t a way to save any Israelis. I had three teams of eight and one team of Shayetet 13 operators three in total. The Shayetet 13 teams go to retake the airport by using a small wet submarine. Shayetet 13’s team leader is a sniper. Shayetet 13  clears most of the terrorists so IDF can land using a swift boat unopposed. By far, retaking the village is the most difficult task. I can see that clearing Gaza City of Hamas is an impossible task on the ground without taking IDF casualties. If I was Israel’s PM, I would level Gaza City from the air and artillery fire. Then bulldoze the rubble over tunnel entrances after using { incendiary } munitions to eliminate oxygen from tunnels. And then using Jet fuel, I would contaminate the groundwater. {  } This indicates to the best of my knowledge that this is the first time I have typed that word.


In this time of Arab violence, I feel despair because I am confined to a wheelchair all the while Jews are being killed on the streets in New York City by Hamas supporters. Yesterday, an elderly Jewish woman got up from her table in a restaurant to use the bathroom. Five Hamas supporters blocked her way and shouted vile things at her. It’s time to kill as many of these terrorists in New York City as possible. The police are not protecting our Jewish friends, the police are turning a blind eye toward this intimidation and violence against our Jewish friends. Because the police have { shirked } their duty to protect our Jewish citizens, that opens the justification for people to form cells to conduct covert homicide against these terrorists in our country that are targeting our Jewish friends. At Harvard, MIT, and PENN, these terrorists are chasing Jewish students while shouting, “Kill all Jews!” Congress summoned the three presidents from these universities to ask them what they were doing to stop this harassment. The three “lady” presidents said that conduct does not violate their university’s code of conduct. I was driven into a murderous rage by these three “ladies”. I gave it the shoe on the other foot test. If students were chasing Arab Muslims around the universities yelling, “Kill all Muslims!”, those harassing students would be expelled at the least. And where is the FBI? I guess the FBI agents are too busy following Catholics and parents who go to school board meetings, sigh.

Written by Mark Pullen