Things I wonder about.

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I wonder how it was safe during the COVID-19 pandemic to go grocery shopping but not to vote in person. I wonder how it was safe during the COVID-19 pandemic to allow millions of people to stream across our Southern border, meanwhile, the government reported that hospitals were over capacity while our people were dying in the thousands. I wonder how it was safe during the COVID-19 pandemic to protest and riot nationwide while the government mandated that we must shelter in our homes. It wasn’t safe to vote in person but it was safe to protest, very interesting.

In Sacramento, the government staged its yearly airshow. Here’s the thing, if climate change is the crisis that the government says it is, then the airshow season wouldn’t take place because millions of pounds of carbon are expelled by military aircraft for the glorification of fossil fuel-burning aerial vehicles.

Let’s do a thought experiment. Image the following: You have five children. Your husband has run up a credit card debt of $400,000. Your household income is $50,000 yearly. As a mother, you fret daily how to clothe and feed your children, as well as, keeping a roof over their heads. Your passed-on mother willed her paid-off home to you which all of you live in, however, you had to take out a mortgage on this home to cover partially the credit card debt. Now you the wife discover that your husband has been going to the bank to secure monthly loans to keep his mistress in the very lap of luxury. In this illustration, the husband is a mixture of Congress and Joe Biden. The cities are the children. The taxpayers are the wife. Finally, Ukraine is the mistress. The one hundred billion dollars we have sent to Ukraine is all borrowed money. 

Written by Mark Pullen. Published by Editor, Sammy Campbell.