America’s wolves wake up!

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Slumbering wolves in fleeces of deceit, Wake up, wake up, the time to hunt is nigh! Rest not, for prey is closer than it seems, Cast off your guise, and reveal your gnashing teeth.

Across the nation in our universities, the enemy has revealed itself. Our Jewish citizens are being prevented from attending their classes by physical violence. Even the university faculties are participating in this violence against our Jewish brothers and sisters. These mostly foreign-born students are sounding out loud about their intentions on American soil. “October 7th again again and again we want!” “Rape is resistance! “Babies are occupiers!” “Death to Israel!” “Death to America!”

I ask, how can it be that our wolves have not devoured these enemy invaders? Our brown-skinned sisters and brothers can easily infiltrate the ranks of the enemy. Tag the individuals for disposal at a later date or dagger them as they stand in large packed crowds spewing their hatred of Israel and America. It is just a matter of time before these foreigners with their ally traitorous American citizens become so emboldened that they will leave the universities to hunt our Jewish citizens. I advocate for this action because the government won’t act to protect our Jewish citizens.

Last I checked, there hasn’t been an incident of Hebrews hijacking planes to fly the aircraft into buildings. Last I checked, America’s cities aren’t plagued with Hebrew criminals. In closing, all of this strife is being funded by NGOs that the Soros family supports. The very same family that is responsible for funding the campaigns of District Attorneys who won’t prosecute violent crimes and are the authors of no cash bails. It seems to me that an attack at the source is warranted. I side with Israel, America, and our Hebrews in this crisis.

Written by Mark Pullen.