Biden gifted ISIS-K the best-recruiting narrative ever.

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When Biden authorized this drone strike, he did set in motion events that will play out for years to come. I will remind you, my dear reader, President Bush’s staging of our soldiers for the first Gulf war triggered events that ultimately caused the 9/11 attacks. Osama bin Laden believed all of the Saudi soil is holy ground and to have infidels trod upon it was an affront to Islam.

That drone strike killed ten people of whom were six children. It is unknown how many more suffered injuries. ISIS-K and other groups will use this incident as a recruitment tool. To make matters worse, the White House, Ginger, Jan Psaki, lied saying it was a righteous strike. Then when the truth was revealed that no ISIS-K members were there, Psaki doubled down saying they stood by the intelligence and Biden had also suffered tragedy in his life at the passing of his wife and his son. 

The Quran states the only remedy for wrongful injury or wrongful death is an eye for an eye. The prescription according to Islam is for Biden to line up his son, his daughter, his grandchildren in front of the White House as an act of contrition to have them shot dead. In doing so, Biden may save hundreds if not thousands of lives by preventing the next horrific attack[s] on our soil.

Written by Mark Pullen. Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell.