With the utterance of one word, six became unelectable.

To our astonishment, no one but us caught this admission of these six of having no moral center. The utterance of yes by six of these candidates sealed their doom for the presidency. Senator Warren to the glee and agreement of the other five candidates savaged Michael Bloomberg over accusations of racism and misogyny in this debate and the prior one.

At the end of this debate, the candidates were asked; if you don’t win the nomination, will you support the candidate on this stage that secures the nomination?  

They all answered, yes. That yes made Bloomberg the only electable candidate out of the seven candidates on the debate stage because the other six candidates were in agreement in Warren’s charges of racism and misogyny against Bloomberg.

In no way is Bloomberg a racist or a misogynist, but the others with that yes affirmed they would support a racist-misogynist candidate to defeat President Donald Trump. 

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.