CNN triples-down after Trump’s backhanded compliment.

There is no doubt in our minds that Brian Stelter and CNN are trying to prod someone in the country to kill President Trump. If a leader was the combination of Mao, Hitler, and Stalin, then a citizen would be justified in the killing of that leader. Brian Stelter says he didn’t know what the guest was going to say and he had troubles with his ear-piece. However, CNN did promote this interview afterward. We don’t believe Brian Stelter and we are calling him out as a liar. We are also calling out Brian Stelter as a would be assassination instigator.

The video below shows the backhanded compliment that President Trump paid to CNN. In our opinion, this declaration by CNN was in retribution for President Trump’s slight toward CNN.

Please review time stamps 19:52 through 21:57

This video shows Brian Stelter’s segment and shows the crimes of Stalin, Mao, and Hitler.

 Would it be immoral to attempt to incite the murder of Brian Stelter?

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.