Bill Maher: He’s a threat to comedy & humanity.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Researched and written by Mark Pullen.

Bill Maher uses profanity, so be warned not to continue if you are at work or around small children. I, by chance, heard his monologue and I felt compelled to respond and dig into his life. I will present his monologue, and then, I will respond to his points.  

Maher states as fact that President Trump is crazy. I haven’t seen any evidence of that condition in President Trump in his public appearances. Scott Adams and Lionel, of Lionel Nation, have both met privately with President Trump. Neither of them is registered as Republicans. They both reported that President Trump treated them with respect. They both reported that President Trump made them feel as though they were the most important people in his life at that moment of time.  

Below are examples of Maher’s derangement. A depression would kill people. Both of my parents grew up during the Great Depression. The horrors they told me, children died from disease and hunger in Minnesota. What kind of failure was Maher hoping for in Singapore? It would be reasonable to believe that he was hoping for a war with North Korea, a nuclear-armed nation who is a client state of China, who is a nuclear superpower. Take America back from what, Bill?

Maher is lying at :44. I reviewed Mueller’s report. The report is not filled with terrible crimes committed by President Trump. If this were so, then Mueller would have reported these terrible crimes long ago to Congress. 

1:43 Maher is mad at Mueller because he followed the rule of law and stayed within the confines of his authority, in keeping with the Department of Justice policy. Just for fun, someone should accuse Maher of a crime for which he didn’t commit and see if he wants the rule of law to be applied to him, the presumption of innocence.  

3:24  Maher slanders Attorney General William Barr, saying, the Attorney General is corrupt. Corruption denotes that crime(s) have been committed. What proof does Maher have that Barr has committed crime(s)? A reporter should ask Maher to name the crimes that Barr has committed and show his evidence that Barr committed those crimes. I, myself, believe he should be sued. He longed for the days of Thomas Jefferson, careful Maher, in those days, people dueled over slander. 

3:33 Maher surpasses Hillary Clinton’s mistake when she called half the country deplorable and unredeemable. He declares: “were not that smart anymore.” Astoundingly, the audience cheers.  

Maher is upset that Mueller didn’t force Don Jr. to be interviewed. Mueller didn’t get a subpoena from a grand jury because he didn’t have probable cause to believe that a crime had been committed by Don Jr. Maher is referring to the Trump Tower meeting with the Russian lawyer. One: All Russians are not working for the Kremlin. Two: There is not a law on the books that makes it a crime to listen to anyone. If Putin himself had shown up for the meeting and Don Jr. had stayed to listen, no crime would have been committed. Ultimately, the meeting was an enemy intelligence operation launched by Fusion GPS on the behalf of Hillary Clinton and President Obama. 

4:19  Maher shifts to President Trump’s tax returns. He is mad at Mueller for not getting the returns. How does Maher know Mueller didn’t look at the returns? If President Trump’s tax returns had evidence of crimes, then the Internal Revenue Service would have charged the President. 

4:46  Yes, it’s legal to take information from the Russians. It’s what is done with that information that might be illegal. I noticed Maher didn’t bring up the fact that Hillary Clinton hired a spy to get information from the Kremlin, curious. It’s too bad that Mueller as the director of the FBI didn’t heed Russian Intelligence warnings that were freely given to him on the future Boston Marathon bombers.   

 5:11  There is a reason that the Department of Justice will not indict a sitting president. #1 It’s Congress’ job to remove a president if it can be proved in the Senate that the president has committed a crime. #2 As soon as the president-elect has taken the oath of office, the political-holdovers at the DOJ could indict the new president for political retribution. 

Update: 5/1/2019  Maher should have waited for all the facts before making this video. Maher is wrong once again. According today’s sworn testimony of William Barr, Mueller stated that the DOJ’s policy that a sitting president will not be indicted by the DOJ, was not a factor that he did not reach a conclusion that the President had obstructed justice.

Below the video on Mueller, I saw this video. This video raised my curiosity as to how Maher was living his life to protect the planet from climate change. I read an interview on his daily routine. He lives alone. He hasn’t fathered any children. What caught my eye was> and we use too much shit. 

Maher lives in a home that is 4100 square feet with 7 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms. According to the interview, he has 3 guest residences. He has a portal toilet for the landscapers. The truck to service the portable toilet burns fossil fuel. If Maher was concerned about climate change, he would let the workers use one of his toilets. Maher joked that he had to flush the many toilets to make sure they are working. What about all those garbage cans for one person? This estate generates so much waste for the landfill. Fossil fuel to haul it and spread it at the landfill. I will add, the landscapers use fossil fuel to get to Maher’s estate and they burn fossil fuel when they are working at his estate.

How much fossil fuel is being burned by the power company so Maher can heat and cool his home?

It’s not only the amount of water that it takes to keep Maher’s estate green, but it’s also the amount of fossil fuel that the water provider has to burn to develop the pressure to send the water to Maher’s estate.

Normally, I would not make a point about how Maher lives his life or how he spends his money, but he put himself out as the moral authority how we all should live, glasshouses. According to Maher’s own stance on climate change, he should be living in an apartment that has green technology.