Where is the diversity in the Biden Family?

I will write from the Democrat’s justice warrior dogma playbook. Joe Biden said in 2019 that our nation has systemic racism across the board. Joe Biden is picking his administration members wholly based on the people’s skin color and their sexual preferences. Joe Biden says he will lead from the front. When Joe Biden’s first wife died, why didn’t he marry a woman that was a person of color?  Or, a transgender woman, and, or, a man?  Joe Biden has said love is love no matter who one loves.  Joe Biden passed on his bigotry to his children. Hunter married a white woman and Hunter fathered a child with a stripper who was also a white woman.

There is an answer as to why Joe Biden excludes people of color and gays from his family. The answer lies as to how Joe Biden described Barack Obama. Joe Biden said, “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” This statement gives a clear view into the inner workings of Biden’s mind. What Biden is inferring is that the rest of the Blacks are filthy, stupid, are not well-spoken, are politically radical, and are ugly in appearance in his way of thinking. As for Joe Biden’s barring gays from his family, Joe Biden was against gay marriage before the winds of political change began to stir.

Joe Biden proclaimed at the last presidential debate that he was the leader of the Democratic Party. Kamala Harris Chief Spokeswoman, Symone Sander said, “We don’t need white people leading the Democratic Party right now.” I will advise Joe Biden to never allow Symone Sanders to follow him down a long flight of stairs.  This advisement goes doubly so for Kamala Harris. Harris said she believed all of the women who accused  Biden of sexual assault. We know Harris is a person that has low moral values. Harris exploited Willie Brown sexually to further her political career. It would be the perfect crime to gain the presidency for Harris to push Joe Biden down a flight of stairs. Harris could justify her murder of Biden for the greater good because after all, Biden was a rapist and a white man that was in her way from her predestination for the presidency.

Joe Biden would have been leading from the front if he had married a transgendered woman who was a person of color. Moreover, Joe Biden is a very wealthy man who has two mansions. Why didn’t he and Jill adopt Black children from Africa who faced certain death as a result of poverty as did Amy Coney Barrett and her husband? Please join me in my condemnation of Joe Biden for his lack of diversity in his family.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.