“Trump is even more dangerous than Hitler.”-Claire McCaskill

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Last week, Congressman Dan Goldman listed the reasons why Donald Trump is an enemy of the people and our democracy. Goldman finished by declaring; “he has to be eliminated.” I wrote Goldman a few days after he said, “he has to be eliminated” on X. Goldman painted himself into the proverbial corner when he said using “eliminated” was a mistake. I told Goldman if you believed you were telling the truth to the American people, then you should have doubled down and said, “When I said, he has to be eliminated, I meant it, kill him.

I fully expected to be suspended from X for using the word, kill. McCaskill a former United States Senator has one-upped the Democrats’ narrative that Trump is the second coming of Hitler. Listen to McCaskill, I will comment afterward.

McCaskill is lying when she says Trump said he was willing to suspend the Constitution to stay in power. The Democrats said they had a recording of Trump in the White House using the word, n@gger. Every few months they said it would be released, but it never was released because it didn’t exist. If Trump said he would suspend the Constitution to stay in power, that would be playing on CNN 24/7. McCaskill doesn’t even cite any witnesses’ names. Let’s assume that McCaskillcan mindread Trump’s most inner thoughts as she professes to be able to do. McCaskill lists what Trump isn’t going to do, ie, take over another nation. McCaskill says Trump is more dangerous than Hitler because he is vain and he has no beliefs. Trump didn’t gas millions of people when he was president, nor did he start a world war. So, how is Trump more dangerous than Hitler? If being vain with no beliefs makes one more dangerous than Hitler, then the citizens of America have a lot of killing to do in Washington D.C.

The unvarnished truth is if Trump eludes imprisonment, the 2024 election will be rigged. If Trump took my advice on how to prevent election rigging, and the Democrats see they can’t, they will kill him. The Democrats are sending clear signals that they will go to any length to prevent a second Trump term in the White House. Anyone who is more dangerous than Hitler will be killed, or imprisoned. Election officials would be obligated to prevent a Hitler-type ascending to the Oval Office.

Written by Mark Pullen. Published by Editor, Sammy Campbell.