Mark’s opinions on the upcoming 2024 election.

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In the improbable event that Donald J. Trump wins the 2024 election, it will be only a short { reprieve } from the destructive forces emanating from the Democrats. I did slightly misstate; there wouldn’t be a reprieve. There would be a slight slowing of the destruction of our nation. The Democrats have sent clear signals about what they intend to do to President Trump. 1. Imprison him. If that fails, 2. try to rig the election. If that isn’t possible, 3. kill him. Representative Dan Goldman said, “Trump has to be eliminated.” All of the elected Democrats are saying, “Trump is Hitler, as well as, an enemy of our democracy. Calling President Trump Hitler is an effort to invite his assassination by an unstable person. I have been posting on X that Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff, Dan Goldman, and other Democrats are worse than Hitler. I posted on X that Jill Biden is the 21st-century Eva Braun to the 21st-century Hitler, Joe Biden. 

No doubt I’m on the lists of the FBI and the USSS. In 2016 a foreign assassin made an attempt on Candidate Donald Trump’s life in Reno Nevada. The would-be assassin admitted to trying to kill Donald Trump. He was not charged for attempted murder, but only for interrupting an official event. He only served 18 months in prison and then, he was deported. I believe Hillary Clinton funded this assassination attempt. For sure, if this had happened to Hillary Clinton, the assassin would have been charged with attempted murder. When Squeaky Fromme attempted to kill Gerald Ford, she was charged with attempted murder.

Written by Mark Pullen. Publish by Editor, Sammy Campbell.