The führer is my enemy.

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The Democrats’ führer has finalized my radicalization and I suspect millions more that had the disposition of, “go along to get along.” I will cover two subjects where Biden has betrayed the million who voted for him. But first, when Biden declared me and millions of other citizens as “his” enemy, that was the final straw that broke the camel’s back. I recall many Democrats who held offices of trust that wished for or right out called for the assassination of President Trump. Peter Fonda called for the rape of Barron Trump. It is my opinion that it is “Pay Back Time”. We have to so bloody the noses of the elected Democrats in order to make them reconsider their violent ways.

Biden and Harris both promised Black voters reparations in exchange for their votes. Biden betrayed his Black voters by signing the executive order to pay the college loans of Whites and Asians who make up the majority of college admissions. Oh, it gets worse. The money to pay those loans will come from poor Blacks and other poor Americans. I got a full view of what I had thought wasn’t a thing, “White Privilege.” I was hesitant to write about this, but I remembered that I’m dying and I shouldn’t hold back. I met my wife’s son when he was in the fourth grade. He has never attended a public school. He attended private Catholic schools all the way through college. He is now a civil engineer. His dad funded all of his schoolings. His grandparents were wealthy. He is in favor of shifting the college financial burden from the elites to the poor Blacks and the other poor citizens. 

Of course, he didn’t see the shift from the elites to the poor, after all, money can be created out of thin air. The job market is a zero-sum gain for those who that had his privileges. What chance did the millions of Black children in the hood stand against him being brought up with every advantage? None! He like the typical liberal is a racist through down to his bones. He voted for Joe Biden who is proven racist and a college cheat.

Prepare yourselves to see the impossible linking of slavery to climate change. Firstly, I will address the German people in Germany. In my travels to Europe, I have never been mistreated by any German. That said, according to the Democrats’ doctrine, the German people can never wash from themselves the deaths they caused during WWI and WWII. Under Hitler’s leadership, some 20 million Russians perished after Hitler invaded the Soviet Union. Putin has cut off the natural gas from Germany and the whole of Europe. Germany is facing having its citizen freeze to death because Germany has fully embraced the Green Energy Movement. If I adopted the Democrats’ doctrine of no forgiveness, then every German citizen deserves Putin’s wrath for what their grandparents did during WWII and for electing Hitler as their führer in the first place.

If the sin of slavery can never be forgiven, then surely what the German people did during WWI and WWII can never be forgiven. The Democratic doctrine states the sins of your ancestors carry forward upon you. There is a movement amongst the Democrats to erase the founding fathers from our history because many of them had slaves. According to the Democrats, climate change will kill all life on the Earth in 10 years if humanity doesn’t go full Green energy to power its cities, farming, and transportation. That truth would make the usage of fossil fuels the worst of the worst of sins to include the practice of having slaves.

Therefore, any Democrat that uses fossil fuels or benefits from the usage of fossil fuels is worse than the most brutal slaveholder. George Washington was born into a society where slavery was an acceptable practice. Moreover, when his older brother passed away, George Washington inherited an estate with slaves. George Washington wrote he despised the practice of slavery. However, Washington was forbidden by law from freeing his slaves. Yes, Washington could have sold his slaves, but he had come to care for his slaves and he worried about if he sold them, what treatment they would receive from their new owners.

The Democrats’ führer is not bound by any laws to use fossil fuels as Washington was to free his slaves. Climate change scientists have told the American public that even if the United States went to zero carbon emissions, China’s and India’s carbon emissions will doom us all. Ask yourself, why is Joe Biden using fossil fuels during his presidency? Why hasn’t Joe Biden as the commander of our military ordered the destruction of our air force’s planes and all of the land vehicles that burn fossil fuels? Why hasn’t Joe Biden asked Congress for articles of war against China and India? The conclusion is that Joe Biden is worse than the worst slaveholder and he isn’t interested in saving the planet. Actions speak louder than words.

Published by Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.