Kathy Griffin goes full-on fascist!

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I remain on Twitter to report to you what the enemies of our republic are doing. The Democrats can’t help themselves to keep their plans a secret. I knew the Democrats meant to rig the 2020 election. The Democrats were sending smoke signals for two years in advance of the 2020 election. If you as an election official call President Trump, Hilter on Twitter, you are signaling you are going to rig the outcome in your state to protect the country from the orange Hitler. I gave President Trump many options to thwart what the Democrats had afoot, but alas, President Trump is too much of a nice guy. I will add, that when Nancy Pelosi called President Trump, a Russian stooge, an illegitimate president, and a traitor, there was no need to send messages to the Democrat election officials to rig the election in favor of Joe Biden.

While Griffin isn’t a government official, it’s likely she is signaling in behest for powerful Democrats to ready the footsoldiers of ANTIFA and BLM. Griffin has tried in vain to walk back this call for violence, but any third grader reading Griffin’s civil war post would say it reads as intended.

Rick Wilson said what?

Published by Editor Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.