To save America, we need a coup.

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I am beyond caring if I am imprisoned for writing this article. This corrupt government can't really imprison me because ALS has already imprisoned me. Joe Biden slipped up again and said what wasn't ever to be spoken out loud in front of cameras. Read carefully what Biden said. Biden admitted the 2020 election was rigged to install him into the Oval Office. It is blatantly obvious the election was rigged. Ask yourself these questions; Why did three Swings States stop counting votes at 10 pm PST? In Pennsylvania, why did election officials use force to remove observers…

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Reviewing Durham’s report.

We will be making weekly entries on this page until Mark finishes his review of this report. Mark will bold the passages of interest to you. You may check Durham's report here> 5/27/2023 The Leftists are saying this report is a nothing-burger because no one was indicted for the information therein. However, the report states that there would be insufficient evidence to get convictions without using Top Secret information in the courtroom, and getting the approval to do so, would be insurmountable.James Comey operated like he was the head of a Mafia family. I presume Comey gave…

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What we learned from these whistleblowers about the FBI.

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One of my first articles on this site was about the corruption at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I wasn't even remotely close to the corruption level at the FBI according to the whistleblowers' testimonies. I am in the process of reviewing Durham's 300-page report. Thus, I will rely on videos to inform you rather than typing many paragraphs. I did watch the entire testimony. What the Five says is true about the testimony given under oath. I did record some of the hearing in short clips.Mr. @TuckerCarlson, wow, Plaskett is against repeating lies. Where was Plaskett…

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The great post-Cold War switcheroo.

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Firstly, I object to homosexuals' co-opting our words ie, gay, to describe their deviant behavior. During the Cold War, our political class called the Soviets godless monsters bent on corrupting our society. However, there was a switch that occurred between the two nations. We have become a godless nation filled with monsters that worships at the altar of perversion. Whereas, Russia has cast off atheism to embrace the Russian Orthodox Church.I will pause to comment on the Trump-Daniels story. As I write, I'm listening to, Piers Morgan vs Stormy Daniels | The Full Interview. From my training,…

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Here we are, come and see.

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16 year old Josh Alexander, has been suspended from St Joseph Catholic High School in Ontario Canada for protesting against transgender peoples use of bathrooms and for saying God created only two genders.The leadership in the school told him his continued attendance would be…— CitizenLenz (@CitizenLenz) February 20, 2023 A student at @StJosephOCSB says he was suspended and later arrested for organizing school protests against biological males in girls' bathrooms. High school student Josh Alexander shares what he said when he spoke out in class about gender issues and what happened next.— EWTN News…

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Big reveal, Hamilton 68.

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In this instance, the former Twitter executive, Yoel Roth, is the truth's shining knight. Former FBI counterintelligence official (and current MSNBC contributor) Clint Watts, headed the Hamilton 68 dashboard that was used by journalists. Watts even gave testimony before Congress about this dashboard tool. Plainly put, this was a disinformation operation meant to slander and libel leading Republicans. It was funded by the think tank, the Alliance for Securing Democracy {ASD}.The ASD advisory council includes neoconservative writer Bill Kristol, former Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, ex-Hillary for America chief John Podesta, and former heads or deputy heads…

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If it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.

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I dearly don't want it to be so, but it appears to be so. I shall apply the Democrats' standard that they applied to President Trump. The Democrats floated the notion that President Trump was selling classified documents or information within the documents. I disregarded that theory because President Trump didn't need any documents because his mind is filled with national secrets. Moreover. President Trump is mega-rich, therefore, the risk-to-award ratio is not feasible to President Trump.President Trump had the classified documents deep in the bowels of his estate under lock and key with the Secret Service…

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I report the last two weeks of news.

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Well, the last two weeks have been epic revelations about social media and our elections. What has been revealed makes the Watergate break-in look like a petty J-walking violation. Our government-directed social media companies to limit the free speech of conservatives/Republicans, which is a first amendment violation. The biggest offender was the FBI. Candidate Joe Biden also directed social media companies to censor conservatives/Republicans.We know this because Elon Musk has released scores of documents of internal communications of Twitter's middle management and the upper executive ranks. Musk gave these Journalists access to the Twitter documents, @bariweiss @mtaibbi…

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The führer is my enemy.

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The Democrats' führer has finalized my radicalization and I suspect millions more that had the disposition of, "go along to get along." I will cover two subjects where Biden has betrayed the million who voted for him. But first, when Biden declared me and millions of other citizens as "his" enemy, that was the final straw that broke the camel's back. I recall many Democrats who held offices of trust that wished for or right out called for the assassination of President Trump. Peter Fonda called for the rape of Barron Trump. It is my opinion that…

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Shazam, everyone in positions of trust lied!

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The above photo is of Hunter Biden from his abandoned laptop. The below list is of past intelligence officials who signed a statement of claim the contents of Hunter's laptop's hard drive was Russian disinformation.Jim Clapper, John Brennan, and others on this list were the biggest Trump-Russian collusion hoaxsters. Brennan and Clapper almost made nightly appearances on CNN to undermine the President of the United States by promoting Hillary Clinton's "Big Lie" of Trump-Russian collusion. I ask; what should befall these 50 former intelligence officials? I am flabbergasted these 50 officials suffer no danger when moving among…

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The facts and just the facts of the Rittenhouse case.

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Firstly, contrary to what the liars on television are saying, Rittenhouse did NOT cross the state's line with a firearm. This fact was shown in the courtroom. This shooting incident was NOT racially motivated. All of the people that Rittenhouse shot were white men. Rittenhouse is not a white supremacist. The media and the D.A.'s office had a year's time to pour over what Rittenhouse had said and what he had written. No evidence was introduced in the courtroom that Rittenhouse is a racist. Moreover, the media in tandem with the Democrats labeled Rittenhouse as a white…

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Attention Durham: Sidney Blumenthal must be indicted also.

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Hillary Clinton lied under oath about her relationship with Blumenthal on October 15th, 2015. Clinton told Trey Gowdy that Blumenthal was only a friend of hers and certainly, he was NOT an advisor to her when she was the Secretary of State. The emails of Clinton proved otherwise. During Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State, Blumenthal was paid the sum of $10,000 a month from the coffers of the Clinton Foundation according to internal emails between Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills. These payments appear to have continued while Clinton was vying for the presidency.People assumed their donations…

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CNN is not the only bad actor.

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What prompted me to write this article is what I saw on Dave Rubin's show two weeks ago. Dave showed Nancy Pelosi using the hand gesture of the okay sign. I noticed afterward that Joe Biden was using it too. The media claimed the okay sign was a White supremacy sign when President Trump used it. The reporters were silent that made the claim during the Trump presidency. That really bothers me to no end. Six months ago, a UK rag said Matt Gaetz was going to be indicted by a grand jury in two weeks' time…

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Scott Adams’ dogs that aren’t barking.

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On Coffee with Scott Adams {YouTube 7 am PST}; Mr. Adams endeavors to instruct and inform. Among the things Mr. Adams instructs his viewers to notice are those dogs that aren't barking. The things Mr. Adams points out are those things that go unnoticed by most, but once seen, it is impossible to be unseen. The dogs that have fallen silent after the election could fill a kennel. I will name just a few of the dogs that aren't barking.Be ye forewarned if you should dare to view Coffee with Scott Adams, don't eat or drink during…

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Is Biden speaking in coded signals to his CCP handler?

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We may be watching the greatest misdirection of all time by a spy. It might be his jumbled sentences are coded signals to his handler[s] in China. The White House physician hasn't reported any concerns about Biden's mental fitness to hold the office of the presidency. All the supposed smart people are overlooking the possibility that Biden is creating an illusion of mental incompetency. If Biden did earn 81 million votes, then the supposed smart people are asking us to believe 81 million people didn't notice Biden's mental decline. There are times where Biden appears to slip…

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Yes, Eric Matheny, Biden will violate our rights.

Eric was rightfully concerned about the fact the Oval Office occupant is planning to send government agents door to door across America to ensure 100% compliance on Covid-19 vaccinations. Eric said the citizens have no obligation under the constitution to invite federal agents into their homes. Here's the thing; federal agents can do anything, even violate America's citizens' constitutional rights with no consequences. Joe Biden reading from a teleprompter said, "No amendment in the constitution is absolute." He was speaking of our second amendment. If no amendment is absolute in the constitution, then nothing is absolute in…

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Be more ruthless than the ruthless to save the Republic.

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I fully expect the government will murder me, Mark Pullen, over what I will reveal in this post. I pose no physical threat to anyone or any institution. My condition is much like the last years of Stephen Hawking's. While I'm not even close to what his intelligence was, I am in the top 2% for intelligence. And like Hawking, I have nothing but time to consider how the people of this great nation are being manipulated and being deceived.What started my consideration was this question: Why are the legacy media and big tech on the Democrats'…

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Takeaways from Director Wrays’ appearance on the Hill.

This was Wrays' first appearance on the Hill post the 1/6/2021 Capital attack. The Democrat Senators tried their best to lead Wray to paint all of the 1/6/2021 Capital rioters as white supremacists. The Senators, as victims of the Capital attack, rightly focused on the attack. Speaking of victims, the Senators were the jurist on the impeachment trial of Donald Trump. Since when do we allow victims of a crime to serve on the jury for which they were victims? The Republican Senators were equally concerned over white supremacists, BLM, and ANTIFA violence. Whereas, the Democrat Senators…

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It was the Intelligence Agencies, it was them behind the curtain.

Please indulge me for a bit to explain how I arrived at my revelation. I had been thinking about the wording of another article from 1 am to 5 am in my mind that is trapped within an ALS riddled body. It is odd how life works out. My dream job was to be a fellow at a Washington DC think tank. Another thought of mine was it wouldn't be so bad to be under house arrest for a year. Well, I am in a one-person think tank now and I've been essentially under house arrest for…

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Peter Strzok: A sub-par past FBI agent.

Strzok called Trump an idiot, the opposite is true. 12/13/2017  I watched Rosenstein testimony today. We got a clear view into the mind of FBI agent Peter Strzok. The emails and text he sent to his FBI mistress were filled with deranged hatred for Donald Trump. We also learned that Andrew McCabe with Strzok and other high ranking officials within the FBI weaponized the Russian dossier as an insurance policy in their belief to guarantee a win for Hillary Clinton. Strzok by cheating on his wife opened himself up to blackmail. When it was discovered that he was having…

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