ICYMI-Mark Pullen reports the latest happenings.

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I had wondered why Paul Sperry had been banned from Twitter. Sperry's reporting for the New York Post made it possible for me to defeat much of the redactions in the FBI's report on Hillary Clinton's handling of classified information. Adam Schiff had made the demand to ghost Sperry because Sperry had accurately identified Schiff's whistleblower against President Trump. While Schiff was lying, his critics on Twitter were exposing Schiff as a liar with receipts. In turn, Schiff demanded those truth sayers be ghosted from Twitter. Schiff violated the First Amendment rights of hundreds of Americans.25.Twitter was…

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There’s science and there’s Twitter’s science of misinformation.

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Yesterday, I proved there is still collusion between Twitter's employees and the Federal Government. In the tweet of dispute, I cc. Joe Biden and the White House's press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre. I made a scientific undisputed truth statement about biology. In a video, a man dressed as a drag queen was excited to enter the White House grounds. He was waiting for his drag queen friend who was running late. Then the man-drag queen said he was looking forward to attending the non-binary event.I wrote, "None-binary isn't a thing. If you have a prostrate, you are a…

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Jack Dorsey has a secret ban against Trump supporters

It was brought to our attention that @PacificReports was being replied deboosted by Twitter. That means our replies were being hidden in the "see more replies". We saw that hostile accounts to the President that are making death threats against the President had no such restrictions. The account below is still active with no restrictions...@mattgaetz, we informed @Jack & @TwitterSupport of this account that is in violation of US law & Twitter's use rules. This account isn't shadow banned while our account is right now.@POTUS, the @SecretService must ACT NOW! cc. @RudyGiuliani @JaySekulow https://t.co/89cKBJnndy— DC Document Reports…

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