Jack Dorsey has a secret ban against Trump supporters

It was brought to our attention that @PacificReports was being replied deboosted by Twitter. That means our replies were being hidden in the “see more replies”. We saw that hostile accounts to the President that are making death threats against the President had no such restrictions. The account below is still active with no restrictions.

We checked last night to see if that restriction was still against our account. As you can see below, it was not being replied deboosted as before.

We replied to the President this morning, see below. We wanted to see if the reply was showing to everyone and in the order of our reply which should have been at the top. We called a friend to come over. He/She logged into his/her account. We had him/her unfollow @PacificReports. Our friend did not see our reply at the top where it should have been. Then he/she went through every reply to this post by the President. Our reply was not listed. He/She checked again. Same result. We had copied the tweet link to notepad. He/She pasted the link to the browser and only then did our reply appear to the President on his/her account. 

We complained to Twiter and to Congressman Matt Gaetz, as a result, Jack Dorsey banned anyone who doesn’t follow @PacificReports from seeing our post. This action by Dorsey is a violation of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. This Act gives immunity to social media platforms. This Act states these are only platforms for discussions among the users. And these platforms are not publishers of the content. When Dorsey chose to censor @PacificReports’ content, Dorsey became a publisher and Dorsey lost his immunity for the content that appears on his Twitter platform.

Update 7/28/2020

We have been conducting test posts. Our posts don’t appear to non-followers on the following accounts; @AOC, @JACK, @realDonaldTrump, @JoeBiden. More tests to follow.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campell. Written by Mark Pullen.