There’s science and there’s Twitter’s science of misinformation.

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Yesterday, I proved there is still collusion between Twitter’s employees and the Federal Government. In the tweet of dispute, I cc. Joe Biden and the White House’s press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre. I made a scientific undisputed truth statement about biology. In a video, a man dressed as a drag queen was excited to enter the White House grounds. He was waiting for his drag queen friend who was running late. Then the man-drag queen said he was looking forward to attending the non-binary event.

I wrote, “None-binary isn’t a thing. If you have a prostrate, you are a man. If you have ovaries, you are a woman. Our president is stricken with mental illness. The tell is like kinds gravitate to each other.” I had written similar truths on Twitter before this “offense”. I was in seconds notified that I had broken Twitter’s terms of service against misgendering and hateful conduct. I did not misgender the man dressed as a woman. If I had called him a woman, yes, I would have misgendered him and broken Twitter’s terms of service guidelines. Twitter’s terms of service guidelines support misinformation in this instance.

As far as the hateful conduct charge, 1980 Joe Biden said marriage is between a man and a woman only. Upon seeing his 2022 self, Joe Biden would agree his 2022 self is stricken with mental illness to have these drag queens at the White House and advocate for sex change surgeries for children. Yes, I did look for trouble in that I cc. Joe Biden and Karine Jean-Pierre, but I was running an experiment to see if the government was still violating its citizens’ 1st amendment rights.

I plan to ask @TwitterSupport what persons are born with prostrates in the interest of science to assure misinformation isn’t spread on Twitter in regards to gender. 

Written by Mark Pullen. Published by Editor, Sammy Campbell.