Opinions, News, and Facts.

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Most people are unaware of the danger both parties have placed you and the nation in, our national debt. For every thirty-one seconds of every day, the debt grows by one million dollars. Well, that’s not accurate because of compound interest. Over time, those thirty-one seconds will represent more and more money. The frightening fact is the entire yearly federal budget past Social Security, Medicare, and Food Stamps is all borrowed money, yes, every cent. Therefore, all of the money sent to Ukraine was borrowed billions of dollars that you are on the hook for, as well as, all of the future generations to come. To be clear, there is no way to pay off thirty-four trillion dollars or service that debt indefinitely. My position is that our government should/must not ever send monetary aid to any country. It is fine to help Israel to protect itself, but, Israel should/must find a place to borrow the money to buy what it needs from the United States. From now on, any aid to any nation must be cash on the proverbial barrel.

Recently released government documents reveal that modern art was an SI-OP from the CIA to counter the Soviet’s prestige of having so many great artists. The CIA convinced the American public that garbage was art! The most memorable example was a cross submerged in urine and being told it was art. What we see that makes no sense is highly a CIA operation for reasons unknown to the public. For example, it is likely the CIA is working with the Mexican Cartels. It might be the Cartels are a revenue stream for the CIA. Those 100,000 yearly deaths from fentanyl are acceptable losses because the CIA thinks those people would be unproductive and a drain on society if not killed, as I and others are theorizing about the CIA. Certainly, if our government willed it so, the Southern border would be closed to stop the flow of fentanyl.

A Whistleblower came forward from NPR. Uri Berliner, a senior business editor said after the 2016 election that all of the 87 Democrat editors saw NPR’s mission to damage Donald Trump’s presidency by any means. Uri Berliner said NPR knowingly published and broadcasted false information about President Trump. NPR CEO, Katherine Maher responded to Uri Berliner’s allegations by only saying he had betrayed the other 86 editors at NPR. It is worth noting that NPR’s viewership plummeted from 47 million to just 14 million. Most of the public was not buying NPR’s tall tales about President Trump. Yes, you paid with your tax dollars for misinformation about your president.

Published by Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.