Israel: If I were the president of America.

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I curse the timing of my birth. I was hopping mad during the period that Iran took hostages from our embassy. The day after I graduated from high school, I went to the Army recruitment office. I told the recruiter that I wanted to kill lots of Iranians. The Sergeant told me that we wouldn’t be going to war with Iran. I thanked him for his honesty, and I told him I wouldn’t willingly enter into a caste system if we weren’t going to war. I was too old to enlist when Muslims flew into the Twin Towers. It goes without saying that I am too old to go to Israel now, and besides my age, I have A.L.S.

A President Pullen would release Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from the hostage burden that he faces. I would send submarines and our stealth B-2 bombers to lay waste to all of Gaza. To understand my position, read my two points that I believe justify my thought process. 1. The people in Gaza elected their government that has a charter to kill all Jews on sight. 2. The Gaza Authority has programmed/brainwashed its population that it’s fun to kill Jews. This brainwashing starts in childhood in television cartoons depicting Jews as animals and showing cartoon children laughing as Jews are slaughtered. It is my opinion that the people in Gaza can’t be reprogrammed to not kill Jews. Recovering all of the hostages isn’t possible because the people in Gaza have vowed to kill the hostages if any offensive action is taken to recover them or if the IDF enters Gaza. I believe Hamas because they have beheaded babies, raped their female hostages, and killed some of the hostages already.

I wrote this in 2004 to the editor of our local newspaper. I have to write; I was right!

Written by Mark Pullen. Published by Editor, Sammy Campbell.