Ironically, Joe attempts to hide his racism within racism.

Joe has pledged to only pick a female, African American for his running-mate. In doing so, Joe has excluded 87% of the United States’ citizens from a potential United States government job based on skin color. I was under the impression that we had laws against this practice of discrimination. Moreover, Joe has discriminated against 49% of the population based on sexual preference. Imagine if a candidate made this proclamation; I will only pick for my running-mate from the citizenry of white men. 

Even more astonishing, Joe never mentions he will pick the best-qualified person. Joe has said he will pick the person that can on day one serve as his replacement. That’s not a high hurdle to clear, Joe! Joe has been almost solely focused on the COVID-19 virus in his campaign against the President. One would think Joe might consider picking Doctor Fauci, who is a Democrat as his VP, oh, that’s right, Doctor Fauci isn’t a woman. One would think that Joe might consider picking Doctor Deborah Birx, who is a woman and a Democrat as his VP, oh, that’s right, Doctor Deborah Birx isn’t an African American. If you have been living in a cave or offline, it’s been Doctor Fauci and Doctor Birx that have been the guiding experts through this virus pandemic.

The current wisdom says Joe will pick Kamala Harris as his VP. Harris is not an African American. Her mother is from India and her father is from Jamaica. All of Joe’s identity politicking is to appease the Democrat leftists over the sin of slavery in the United States of America. What is disturbing beyond Harris’ policies is the fact that she is masquerading as an African American in her furtherance to acquire more power. When Harris was sworn-in as a Senator, Harris said she was proud to be the first Senator of Indian ancestry. Harris’ ancestors didn’t bear the misery of American Slavery. Spoiler alert; neither did Barack Obama’s ancestors. Obama’s mother was a white woman and his father was from Kenya. Moreover, Barack rode his, if it does exist, mother’s and later, his grand-parents’ white privilege to Harvard and later to the Oval Office. 

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen