Amidst mounting evidence of election fraud, Biden refuses to concede.

This page is intended to be your one-stop for the latest updates to election fraud. This page will be updated as evidence emerges. Questions:

Is it likely that Trump increased his share in the minority communities and Trump lost a sizable share of his base even though Trump did everything he had promised?

With 98% approval from Republicans, is it likely that Trump would have lost his base just in key battleground states?

Is it likely that Biden could eclipse Obama’s popular vote by ten million votes without election fraud?

After four years of the media and the Democrats calling Trump Hitler, and saying Trump would destroy all life on the planet, is it likely that the Democrat election officials would NOT engage in fraud to save the country and the world?

Is it likely that a law school cheater [Biden] would not favor election cheating?

Why hasn’t Biden alleged election fraud from the Republicans?

Why did election officials in Wayne County, Michigan, threaten the life of a Republican official and her children if there was no election fraud?

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.