Election fraud; how much, and who did it?

This writer doesn’t believe either vote totals are accurate for either Trump or Biden. There must be some fraud on both sides. The question is how much and if there was enough to change the results of the election? The media and the Democrats have been portraying Trump as a dictator and the second coming of Hitler for the last four years. That is the strongest motivation to cheat in this election to save the country. On the other side, there was a belief that the election would be rigged in the favor of Biden. That was also a strong motivation to cheat in the election. These two beliefs most likely set up a competition of out cheating the cheaters. This would explain the unbelievable vote totals for Biden and Trump. This writer believes the Republican voters did take advantage of the mail-in voting to commit fraud. The question is how much? It is also true that the Democratic voters also committed fraud. Again, how much? There is not a committee for either side to regulate the fraud, hence, we have these vote totals for Biden and Trump. 

Case in point; This Twitter post is from Arizona’s Secretary of State who oversees the election result for Arizona. It would be Hobb’s patriotic duty to alter the election results to keep [ sic ] Hitler from winning the election.

The media reported that there isn’t a history of election fraud. If history was an accurate predictor of the future, there wouldn’t be any poor people. All one has to do is look at the stock markets to see that this is so. Moreover, if past performance was a reliable predictor of the future performance of X, there wouldn’t be any gambling markets of any kind that we see worldwide. What’s curious is there are no accusations from the Democrats concerning fraudulent votes from the Republicans. That’s a RED FLAG. The Democrats and the media were constantly droning on about potential election interference threats posed by foreign powers before the election. There isn’t any mention of this concern from either the Democrats or the media. That’s a RED FLAG. The first RED FLAG is explainable because the Democrats don’t want impartial people with the required skills to look for fraud to examine the records. The second RED FLAG is explainable because any help to remove [ sic ] Hitler from the White House would be welcomed.


The RED FLAG that caught this writer’s attention was when the battleground states stopped the counting process. In Wisconsin, Trump was at 52% of the votes to Biden’s 45% with 81% of the counting completed. In Michigan, Trump held a lead of 54% to Biden’s 42% with 54% of the counting completed. In Pennsylvania, Trump led Biden by 750,000 votes. This email was sent to President Trump. In the coming days, this writer has changed his opinion as to the vehicles used to commit election fraud. It was a multi-faceted effort to remove Trump from the White House. There are reports of stacks of ballots for Biden being fed through the counting machines repeatedly to give Biden the lead in Michigan. Is this possible? 

This video shows compelling evidence of election tampering.

Mister Bill Whittle adds more content and he simplifies Doctor Shiva’s presentation.

So, what does this writer believe, you are asking? If you throw out the fraud on both sides, Trump won the key states to retain the White House. Not evidence, but it’s improbable that Biden could eclipse Obama for the popular vote. It’s improbable that Biden could win the election by staying in his basement for most of the general election campaigning days. It’s improbable that Biden could win the election with his meager gatherings to his campaign rallies. It’s improbable that Trump could lose with his huge turnouts for his rallies. All of the spontaneous rallies in support of Trump leads to this writer’s belief that Trump’s total vote count is closer to being accurate than is Biden’s. Final thoughts.

Watch these video clips and wonder how Biden could beat Trump without election tampering.

Lastly, consider how the Democrats have been able to remain in power in Baltimore for the last 50 years through all of the corruption scandals while the public suffers from poor housing, poor public services, and while crime is running rampant in the streets. You would think the public would vote for change. Rigging the elections for the Democrats has to be the answer as to why nothing changes in Baltimore.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.