Yes, the wall is reducing climate change.

Yes, the illegal crossing of our Southern border impacts climate change. A key principle is the production of a commodity always chases the demand. Oil production was at zero before the introduction of the internal combustion engine. Coal production was nearly at zero before the advent of the steam engine. Uranium production was at zero before the advent of nuclear reactors. And food production has chased demand as the world’s population of humans have increased.

Cause and effect play an undeniable role in climate change. My class was asked in college; if a raisin is dropped on a vacant bridge, will the bridge suffer any deflection? I answered yes with; for every reaction, there is an equal and opposite reaction. I was told I was correct by the instructor. The deflection of the raisin upon the bridge would be infinitesimal, nevertheless, the deflection would exist.

The detention facilities that house the continuous multitudes of illegal aliens are resources black-holes. The electricity that the facilities consume cause our power plants to produce more greenhouse gases. By far, these facilities consume energy through the usage of refrigeration through the cooling of these structures and the refrigeration of foodstuffs. These people would not be in an air-conditioned environment in their countries of origin. I’ve been all through Mexico, Central America, and Northern South America and the people I interacted with were kind and caring toward me. It’s really hot and most of the buildings don’t have any air-conditioning. The buildings are open structures with huge windows with ceiling fans that are run from one motor by a series of belts or chains. Hence, by just being in the United States these illegal aliens are contributing to global warming.

When they are released from custody with their promise to appear in an immigration court, often years into the future, their impact on climate change exponentially increases. These aliens don’t adopt their standard of living from which they came but adopt this standard and cause the production of even more greenhouse gases by living as individual family units. It consumes less energy to feed people and house them when they grouped. People from South of our border have a significantly higher birthrate because they are true practicing Catholics. The Democrats have acknowledged this indirectly by saying white people will become a minority by 2035. Want astounds me is these immigrants from Central America are a threat to the Democrats’ sacred cow, Rowe versus Wade the Supreme Court decision. When these immigrants begin to vote, it is likely at the State level they will vote for more restrictions on abortions. Henceforth, the birthrate will increase and greenhouse gas emissions will pace the increased birthrate.

Clearly, the Democrats haven’t thought through their plan for native population replacement. It is undeniable that the construction of the wall and President Trump’s hard stance on illegal border crossing work together to reduce our country’s emission of greenhouse gases. Lastly, I am amused that President Trump has unknowingly become a climate change fighter through his immigration policies.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.