The truth about Trump’s tax returns

For Mark V. Mark V.; the leakers and the New York Times unwittingly did President Trump a solid. In 2016, then, candidate Donald J. Trump disclosed at the last debate that he hadn’t paid federal income taxes for many years because of business losses that he was entitled to deduct against his income. Mark V.; the solid is in the fact that the tax returns show no evidence of crimes. This writer knew there were no crimes because Mueller’s team went over the tax returns. Moreover, if there had been evidence of crimes, the IRS would have acted long ago.

We also learned that President Trump had been telling us the truth about the IRS having him under a ten-year audit. And so, CNN and others are making headlines over normal and legal accounting practices. Mark V.; Donald J. Trump does not do his own tax returns. Donald J.Trump has Certified Public account[s] and Lawyer[s] processing his tax returns, both federal and state.

CNN has its hair on fire because President Trump paid Ivanka Trump 24 million dollars in consulting fees for one year. 1. The Trump organization is not a public company. 2. It’s legal for Donald J. Trump to pay any amount to his children or his employees. CNN is crying that that payment reduced Donald J. Trump’s tax liability. The same amount in taxes will be paid by Ivanka that would have been paid by Donald J. Trump on that 24 million dollars. This was a normal estate move.

Mark V.; the leaking of President Trump’s tax returns is a federal crime. Mueller could not find a crime that had been committed by Donald J. Trump. However, government officials have committed multiple crimes against President Trump.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.