Elijah Cummings is the enemy of Western Civilization.

Michael Cohen hearing being held while President Trump is with Chairman Kim.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.

We at PSR are not engaging in hyperbolic speech in our description of Representative Elijah Cummings. If anyone had the justifiable hatred of Western Civilization, it would be Representative Elijah Cummings. He is the son of share-croppers, which he accurately points out is just one step from slavery. Though he has seen sixty-eight years on this planet and has seen the wrongs reversed, we wonder if Representative Elijah Cummings can put the past behind him. From what he did yesterday, it is evident that he cannot. Because of his tragic family history that he himself witnessed, we are of the opinion that he should recuse himself from any chairmanships in Congress.

While the President of the United States was negotiating with the single biggest threat to Western Civilization, Representative Elijah Cummings was at that very moment doing his best to thwart any meaningful results to ensure any peace between the world and North Korea.

Representative Elijah Cummings was in his actions undermining our President’s standing before Chairman Kim and showing the Dictator the best evidence not to move toward Western Civilization. Thinking from Chairman Kim’s perspective: “How can I trust the United States not to attack my country after I give up our nation’s nuclear deterrent when the United States is at this very moment attacking their President? Moreover, this President’s promises, though genuine, are not credible because he might be removed from office or he might not be re-elected because of the opposing political party’s attacks. Yes, a treaty could be signed between our two nations, but, would this government honor its’ commitment when at this very moment this nation dishonors their leader before my very own eyes?”

Representative Elijah Cummings could have chosen to hold the Cohen hearing after the President returned from the summit with Chairman Kim, but he wanted the President to fail in his task to secure peace for the world because he hates this President so much that he would rather see the world burn in an apocalyptic nuclear firestorm than see President Trump succeed or be re-elected.

Nothing came from the summit between President Trump and Chairman Kim and we will never know what could have been accomplished had Representative Elijah Cummings held his hatred for President Trump back for just twenty-four more hours.

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