The Trump Tower meeting, Don Jr. had to take the meeting.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen

In my opinion, Don Jr. had to take the meeting with this person. During the confirmation hearing for our next director of the FBI, a silly Democrat Senator tried to advance the idea that Don Jr. should have alerted the FBI to this person and the proposed meeting. Don Jr. knew, through the FBI’s vault release of the report on Hillary Clinton and James Comey’s press conference about the Hillary Clinton emails, the FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ) had been corrupted by Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch, and Barack Obama. Hillary Clinton had engaged in activities that broke our espionage laws. To further compound Don Jr.’s dilemma, it was revealed, through Wikileaks, Bill and Hillary Clinton had conducted schemes that defrauded the taxpayers of billions of dollars. It was the duty as a person of influence to hear what this lawyer had to say and what evidence she had to support her claims. 

In my opinion, the FBI and DOJ had been so corrupted, if the FBI had come into possession of video evidence showing Hillary Clinton going into hospital nurseries and killing babies, hundreds of them, the video would have been destroyed and those who knew about the video would have been killed. If the meeting had produced evidence that Hillary Clinton had committed a high crime that the public was not aware of, then Don Jr. would have been obligated to show the country her high crime.