The Krassensteins: are they unregistered agents for a foreign power?

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.

We keep telling ourselves that it isn’t likely that they are agents for a foreign power but the evidence is mounting that they are agents for another government. We cautioned ourselves not to see what we desired to see. Hence, we will lay the evidence before you for your consideration. They might not know they are being funded by a foreign power. In this video, Brian says, “they want us to sow division.” That’s what Russia did in 2016. Russia funded protest on both sides in 2016, both before and after the election. Both brothers have said this video was just a prank and their copy was stolen through hacking. We have some passing experience in the art of interrogation. The first rule is to keep the person talking about nothing to do with the issue. We have seen the most clever people give up the truth in the use of this strategy. That is why lawyers implore their client to say nothing. 

We are most disturbed by Brian’s post below. Brian skips over the fact that Smollett committed a crime by filing a false report with Federal Officials and the local police department. He also doesn’t address the possible damage done to race relations. Then there is the crying wolf factor. If MAGA hat wearing individuals were to do a similar action against a minority, the victim might be unjustly not believed. Brian is flat out lying about the President stoking the commission of hate crimes. See our article on this topic> We will point out that Brian wrote (stroked) instead of (stoked) which is the correct word usage in this sentence. Brian’s bio states he is a college graduate and he is a journalist. Keep that in mind as we present his other posts. One might think that English isn’t Brian’s first language. Of course, the best agents are the native-born citizens in the target country. UPDATE: Smollett has been charged for making a false criminal report to the police. A felony charge that carries a sentence of three years in prison.

What crime has the Trump administration committed? Many have asked Brian to tell them what crimes in replies to this post, he did not respond. If there were crimes committed, we are sure Robert Mueller would have pounced and indicted.

We ask, would a native-born college educated journalist post this mistake?


The Pacific Standard Reports has been watching and collecting the Krassensteins’ posts and Helios Helium’s critiques of the bothers’ posts.

It is interesting that Brian did not put a due date on this post of his. Brian and his brother, Ed, have posted that the day after the 2018 mid-term elections Mueller would indict both President Trump and Don Jr. Now we are supposedly seeing smoke signals from the Justice Department that Mueller will close his investigation next week and file his report with Attorney General Barr. If that happens, we would ask you to revisit this article and take a screenshot of Brian’s post below if you have a Twitter account. We ask you to hold him accountable for his promise.

Brian admitted he had made a mistake. Or was it a case of all the people applying pressure on him after Helios Helium exposed him?

As far as we know, this is Brian’s first and last admission of being incorrect in a post. Perhaps his handlers became cross that he acknowledged the purposeful error?

We fact-checked Helios Helium on the stated assertions. Brian is straight up lying in this post of his. Here is the full text of the Steele dossier if you wish to do your own fact-checking.

Here we see Helios Helium using Brian’s own posts against him. This is the work of a genius.

We will point out that President Trump in his post did not pine for the killing of United States citizens who sell Fentanyl. Brian is inferring that President Trump did. That is an internal matter of China’s as to how they punish people who sell Fentanyl.

Helios Helium’s critiques of Brian’s posts makes us wonder if Helios Helium is, in fact, a group of people in a think-tank somewhere in the D.C. area. We say this because of the diverse expertise that is shown in the many disciplines throughout Helios Helium’s critiques of Brian’s posts.

Another promise broke by Brian. Helios Helium might be right in the stated assertion.

We can’t fault Helios Helium’s logic in the below post of Brian’s

Us too on all counts, Helios Helium.

We have seen no one push back on Brian as Helios Helium does with Brian. Sure, people insult Brian, but Helios brings the facts, often with documents. He/she or the group must bank Brian’s post for future use. Look at the dates.

Let’s see if this pans out as true. It does appear that everyone Brian supports does lose their election.

We think this is evidence of heavy drug usage by Brian. Brian is a college educated journalist, behold, all the mistakes in grammar in just one post. Also, pay close attention to the third line in the post. “chopped up into pieces and murdered.” How can a person be alive after being chopped into pieces to be murdered afterward?

We see once again that Helios Helium is calling out Brian as a liar.

Brian or his hypothetical handlers must have had enough of Helios Helium’s fact-checking on Brian’s home page because Brian blocked Helios Helium. We will draw your attention to Brian’s post on Beto. Look at the date of the post, Helios Helium posted a comment on the Beto post after the date {2/8/2019} shown below on Brian’s block of Helios Helium. It is more evidence that Helios Helium might be a group of people in a think-tank.

Helios Helium fact-checks Ed, as well.

It is improbable that a single person could go through all the documents that Helios Helium appears to have done. We have seen the posting of, Steele dossier, FBI report on Hillary Clinton, Comey’s memos, Comey’s transcribed testimony of late, the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court report of surveillance abuse, the Fusion GPS testimony transcript, the Grassley intelligence memo, the Benghazi transcripts, the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court surveillance application on Doctor Carter Page, Hillary Clinton’s State schedule, Hillary Clinton’s email’s, John Podesta’s emails the DNC’ emails and more all posted by Helios Helium. A group of people?

We are amused.

Last entry, Brian can’t keep his message straight.

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