Covid-19 strikes the White House

It cannot be ruled out that this was an assassination in progress/attempt against President Trump. In 2016, an assassination attempt was made against then, candidate Trump in Nevada. Curiously, Obama’s Justice Department declined to charge the would-be assassin with attempted murder even though the assassin did confess. The assassin was charged with the disruption of an official event and an illegal alien in possession of a firearm. After a short prison stay, the assassin was deported. This writer is of the belief that the Intelligence Agencies at the behest of the Democrats at the least did manipulate the man to try his attempt to assassinate Donald J.Trump.  

The timing of the infection in conjunction with the overt calls for violence from Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats raises the specter that this Covid-19 infection was planned. However, on the other hand, the timing of the infections of Republican Senators, Melania Trump, Hope Hicks, Kellyanne Conway, and other inner circle members maybe just an epic coincidence. All that hangs in the balances is one Supreme Court appointment and the most important election in 50 years, coincidence?  And remember, Senator Chuck Schumer said, “Nothing is off the table if this nomination is pushed through.” All that said, it’s likely just a coincidence.

Ironically, it might be that President Trump saved his own life because he is the president. President Trump set goals for Covid-19 therapy research and vaccine[s]. And, because Donald J. Trump is the president, he gets the best healthcare possible. Men left to their own devices will often delay seeking medical care. As President, the decision making is largely taken away from Donald J. Trump as to his healthcare. It is being reported by the President’s doctors that he may return home tomorrow, Monday. There may be a silver lining in that his quick recovery can be used to tout the therapies that came from “Operation Warp Speed.” 

It is so disingenuous to blame President Trump for the 210,000 deaths that have resulted from the Covid-19 virus. This blaming of President Trump completely absolves China from its actions of deception and the deliberate action to infect the entire world. We hear humor from President Trump as to his wife’s age; “As you have probably read, she is slightly younger than me, just a tiny bit.”

President Trump resides within a protective bubble and he still contracted the virus. Testing is not the answer from which we will defeat the virus. Listen to the following video clip.

The red circles show the people who have tested positive for Covid-19. It hasn’t been demonstrated that the infections occurred at the Rose Garden. However, odds are it did.  Politically, in this charged climate during a pandemic, it’s just bad optics to not insist that the people wear masks and not engage in physical contact as in the practice of hugging and the shaking of hands. Three reporters also became infected, hence, masks are not a guarantee from infection. Masks for the most part protect others, not the wearer. Eyes are a gateway for virus infections. All of those people received the Abbot rapid test. Tests give a false sense of security. The White House is a case study that proves the country can’t test its way out of this pandemic.

A motorcycle helmet with a neck shroud would both protect others and the wearer. The visor may be raised and lowered at will. A low-cost helmet based on this design with 80% compliance would bring infections to a screeching halt. As a test, the White House should mandate the wearing of virus helmets for a month.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.