Newson greenlights discrimination on skin color and gender.

Reid asked Newsom if he would restore Kamala Harris' Senate seat by appointing an African American woman to fill Senator Feinstein's seat if and when she retires. Newsom said, yes. Firstly, Kamala Harris isn't African American. Her mother is from India and her father is from Jamaica. The Harris ancestry does not include the misery of American slavery. In fact, when she was sworn in by then-Vice President Biden to the Senate, Harris said she was the first Indian Senator. So, if we are going to go down this road of bigotry to fill positions on skin color…

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Takeaways from Director Wrays’ appearance on the Hill.

This was Wrays' first appearance on the Hill post the 1/6/2021 Capital attack. The Democrat Senators tried their best to lead Wray to paint all of the 1/6/2021 Capital rioters as white supremacists. The Senators, as victims of the Capital attack, rightly focused on the attack. Speaking of victims, the Senators were the jurist on the impeachment trial of Donald Trump. Since when do we allow victims of a crime to serve on the jury for which they were victims? The Republican Senators were equally concerned over white supremacists, BLM, and ANTIFA violence. Whereas, the Democrat Senators…

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